
I am looking for a british officer (maybe a colonel) who used in ww2 the codenaam
winnie the pooh (maybe nickname?)
Thanks in advance for your help.
Greetings from the Netherlands.

Can you give any more information at all?

I am sorry that I don’t have any more information.
Under the codename Winnie the Pooh an English colonel has been involved in an operation,
but I don’t know which operation.
I can’t find it with Google, so this forum is my last hope.

Well, someone here will have a suggestion or two for you, I dont think these guys get out much…:slight_smile:

I’ve trained in 100 acre wood that is mentioned in A.A. Milne’s book, however, I think you’re going to need a bit more info. For example where was the operation? And roughly what happened? They’re still only just releasing info about secret ops during WW2 so therefore, it’s possible that the info regarding that particular op hasn’t been fully released yet which is why a google search might not bring anything up.

I have spent also many hours with google, no result.
The only info I got is already given in my first thread.
That’s all, I am sorry.
I still hope that somebody of you can help me.

Any chance that Winnie and Pooh are what you’re looking for?

I know about these guns, but I am looking for a person, a British colonel

A Colonel? That should narrow it down a bit. Can’t have been many Colonels serving in WW2.

Where did you come across the name other than A.A. Milne and Disney. Perhaps this ‘maybe’ Colonel is in Disney Land?
If you have no more information of the subject, how about some info regarding what prompted the question?

The question is prompted by a …quiz and the only one I can’t find up to now.

Someone’s taking the piss.

I think this is the wrong way around. I recall Milne named his sanguine creation after a bear at London Zoo (in turn named after Winnipeg by a Canadian Colonel) which enthralled his young son, Christopher Robin.

Unless we’re talking about the Meltdown episode of Red Dwarf.

Pensionado, perhaps you should query the files of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) if the operation involved intelligence work and continental resistance. These are probably in an archive in London somewhere. I doubt all have been opened to the public but I know that some folks have been able to look at them because I have spoken with one person who has seen some of them. Also, if the operation involved the Netherlands, why not look into the Dutch national archives in Holland?