Winnipeg Rifles - Germany - Canadian Forces | Gallery

Winnipeg Rifles - Germany

Infantrymen of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles in a Buffalo amphibious vehicle taking part in Operation VERITABLE en route from Niel to Keeken, Germany. February 9, 1945.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

funny that there is NO Canadian section in the forums . Its like we were not there . We have to actually prove there’s an interest in Canadian military to get one . Well anyone who faced a canadian in ww2 new better . Thanks Gerry for your posts and stories on some of the men who fought and died .
Cheers Grange

Derek, there is a Canadian military section in the photos, but that while there are a few who are <i>very</i> interested in Canada’s participation, they might not be <i>enough</i> to warrant an entire sub-forum and will probably have to make do with the ‘Other Military’ or ‘British Military’ forums the same as the other Commonwealth nations.