Witman111 feels bad.

I got this in a P.M. from Witman today,thought it might give you all a laugh.

"You know, Mods are biased to a point as if the Axis have won . I am accused of throlling for comparing Enoly Gay to SS. And yet 100 times more throlling on “Allied” side, not to mention primitive and vulgar personal inults on my account- go without notice. Although innapropriate, you should rename the site to www.KissAlliesInTheAssWithASmile.com

I would like to close my account. "

I’m still considering my thoughtful, and concerned reply. :wink:

This was my thoughtful reply.
" Witman111, You were dealt with in accordance with rules of the site, and your inability to remain within them. You were given a long, though temporary ban, when the normal action would be a permanent ban. We thought you might learn something from that, but it seems we were in error.
While there is no facility for closing an account, you are certainly welcome to refrain from engaging in any future activity here. -Tankgeezer, Moderator"

Maybe we should tell him he doesn’t really have to close his account, he can just not log on or post here again…

I’ve told him the same thing a couple times, Once he’s done pouting I’ll perma ban him. (that should make him feel all triumphant) :wink: :slight_smile:

Mate, you gotta think outside the square.

Witman is a proto-Nazi. (I don’t actually know what proto means, but it’s good to throw it into a conversation to make me look erudite. I usually follow it up with other empty but important sounding phrases like “paradigm shift”, “beta analysis”, “skill set”, “let’s unpack that”, “drill down”, “data mining”, “let’s get traction for take off”, “are you inside or outside the tent?”, and “have you seen the fabulous tits on that new blonde sheila with the stunning arse in Personnel?”. I just throw the last one in to see if the blokes or, worse, the feminists in the room are awake.)

Don’t ban him. That’s what he wants.

Get him engaged.

Tell him that if he doesn’t post at least once a day for the next forty years, you’ll have Mossad come round to his crib (this is a cool term for one’s abode) and attach alligator clips to his scrotum (this is a medical term for a nut sack, which is defined appositely in the alternative as “2. a stupid ****er who does or says dumb shit and will not stop” http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nutsack ) and apply as much voltage as it takes and for as long as it takes for the current to travel up his genito-urinary tract with sufficient force to circumcise him by the “scorched foreskin removal” method, which will leave him with a burnt knob and looking like a Jew if there is a pants-down pogrom in his area.

You’re correct, banning him will just give him condition of prideful tumescence. He asked twice for his account to be closed, both times I just told him not to log on anymore. I expect to hear from him at least once more, so will include some of your thoughtful suggestions to ease his trials, and tribulations. (particularly the part about alligator clips. , I think that would benefit him greatly.)