Women armourer - British Forces | Gallery

Women armourer

Armourers of the Women Royal Naval Service rearming a Hawker Hurricane aircraft at the Fleet Air Arm airfield at Yeovilton, Somerset. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/british-forces/50692/women-armourer

As always Victor something unusual.Lovely picture obviously posed but non the less a reminder of the important work done by WRENs.Difficult to date as first Hurricanes arrived mid 1941 and most training at Yeovilton by 1943 was on Wildcat and the new Corsairs.Thanks for posting Victor.

A good view of the wide, open gun bay in the Hurricane which allowed good access to the guns. By comparison, Spitfire guns were very hard to service or reload. Even so, the screwdivers on the wing indicate the archaic method of having to unscrew the whole panel, compared with US designs which usually used hinged panels with quick-release mechanisms.