Women in Uniform

Months back,. i went home to Indonesia,. and met some of my younger relatives,. noted,. one of very young female came in uniform,. so she is now a policewomen,. and recently she added me into her community net friends,. and seeing so many of them are hmm,. georgeous,. :smiley:




Nice women in uniform in Indonesia.

Whether or not they’re your relatives. :smiley:

actually i got 2 of my nephew,. one in the army,. but too shy to post her pictures,. only the policewomen who dare enough,. :smiley: :smiley:

the officer with red pocket,. it is mean,. she can speak english,. this alot in Bali and quite numbers in Jakarta,. so if you happened to be in Indonesia,. and met up those officers,. fear not to engage a conversation,. :wink:

further from her album,. :smiley: :D,. man,. i was born too early,…