World Football topic.

I just wanted to express my feelings after the match between Poland and Portugal :slight_smile:
I don’t remember when was the last time that Poles played so great and beatiful football, it has been the best match of our national team I’ve seen for long, long time!
It took only 18 minutes to demolish their team :wink:

Hope to see some of you in 2012 :slight_smile:

That’s funny…
First I was thrilled with horror, then I started to laugh :slight_smile:

Can any of our Russian friends translate it:

Это операция по пришиванию «русских» к «западенцам»

Большой спорт давно уже превратился в инструмент большой политики. Здесь чемпионов из неугодных стран могут лишить медалей или аннулировать их подвиги с помощью допинг-контроля. А еще можно ликвидировать границу между Польшей и Украиной на время футбольного чемпионата Европы. Так спортивные политиканы послали «оранжевой» части незалежной недвусмысленный сигнал: «Хлопцы! Европа с вами, а не с москалями!»

«Оранжевые», похоже, воспряли духом. Потому что сигнал из Европы пришел вовремя: на Украине возле Конституционного суда шла битва граждан с подразделением спецназа «Беркут», а президентское кресло под Ющенко качалось и скрипело.

Польша, верный цепной пес США и Евросоюза, готовый рвать и драть всех, кто хоть как-то симпатизирует России или уважает ее интересы, от УЕФА тоже получила увесистую кость. Польша давно заглядывается на западные куски Украины. А в 20-х годах прошлого века даже не побрезговала их оккупировать, о чем говорить не любит, а если ей напоминают, сразу же прикрывается Катынью, как щитом. Теперь, если Польшу в очередной раз поймают на разных некрасивых делишках типа подготовки «профессиональных» оппозиционеров для чужих стран, она удачно прикроется футбольным мячом. Мол, чемпионат готовим, культурный обмен и гуманитарный мост дружбы.

Но это все детали, главное - расписание игр. Не секрет, что каждый прожитый месяц в патовом «оранжево-синем» кризисе, который длится с самого майдана-2004, все больше усугубляет раскол Украины на «русскую» и «западенскую». Финал чемпионата должен хоть как-то склеить их воедино, разумеется, под мудрым западным руководством. Поэтому мяч гонять будут в геополитически значимых городах: и в «москальском» Донецке, и в «бандеровском» Львове. Есть ли в этих городах нормальные стадионы? Смогут ли они принять тысячи болельщиков? Политиканов из УЕФА эти вопросы волновали мало. Похоже, у западных союзников «оранжевых» снаряды к тяжелой дипломатической артиллерии кончились и свои пушки они теперь заряжают футбольными мячами.

Дмитрий СТЕШИН

Congratulations! … but i won’t take the car to visit Poland :mrgreen:
We once met Polish Soldiers and a friend of mine (he comes from East Germany and learned some Polish and Russish) was talking to one of them - later i asked him about what they talked about and he answered: “I asked him if he saw my car somewhere across the borderline” :rolleyes: :wink:

According to google translator - only needs some minor corrections:

LOOKING S 6th ETAZHA This operation prishivaniyu “Russians” to “zapadentsam” Big sport has long become an instrument of high politics. The champions of objectionable countries could deprive medals or cancel their exploits through doping. And, you can eliminate the border between Poland and Ukraine at the European soccer championship. So sports politicians sending “orange” part nezalezhnoy unequivocal message : "Hloptsy! Europe with you rather than against moskalyami! “” Coloured "seems to have rallied. Because the message from Europe was well-timed : the Ukraine near the Constitutional Court was the battle of the commando unit “Berkut”, and the presidential seat under Yushchenko voting and skripelo. Poland is loyal dog chain USA and the European Union, ready to pluck and pulling all those who have any sympathy or Russia respects the interests of UEFA also received uvesistuyu bone. Poland has long zaglyadyvaetsya to western parts of Ukraine. And in the 1920s last century, even pobrezgovala they occupy, which does not like to talk, and if she reminded immediately behind Katynyu as a shield. Now, if Poland is once again foundation for different things delishkah type of “professional” opponents to foreign countries, she happily prikroetsya soccer ball. Mol, preparing soccer, cultural exchange and humanitarian bridge of friendship. But that is all the details, the main schedule. It is true that every month lived in patovom “oranzhevo-sinem” crisis, which has lasted since the Kiev-2004, increasingly aggravates the division of Ukraine “Russian” and “zapadenskuyu”. Finals will be desperate to make glue them together, of course, under the wise leadership of the West. The ball will flock in the geopolitically important cities : in “moskalskom” Donetsk and “banderovskom” Lviv. Is there anything in those cities normal stadiums? Will they take thousands of fans? Politicians from UEFA these issues uppermost little. It seems that the Western allies “orange” projectiles to diplomatic heavy artillery ran out and their guns, they now gives football bowling. Dmitri STESHIN


ask your friend what car was that, then I ask my friends and maybe they’ll track it in my area :slight_smile: (or the same model, etc.)

All fotball threads merged :slight_smile:

For the beautiful game fans, here is his place to talk about.

Poland has lost with Argentina few hours ago…
Panzerknacker, Could you explain where did you get this player from? They are so #$@!in’ fast, so #$@!in’ nimble! Our boys where literally unable to prevent Argentinians from shooting the goals…

Oh…I dont want to bring to the table but since have you mention…:smiley:

Check this:

The question is simple, the kids like to play for fun when they are young, Argentina have 5 world championships U-20 but just 2 Adult championshinp, when the guys grow they became more burguois , they love more dollars than football.

And this is also good encounter from Copa America , Argentina Peru 4th of a final some days ago.

This is a soccer thread.

The following video is football. :smiley:

It’s not a game that travels well. The only international competiton is with Ireland, in a game with the weirdest combination of rules from two games that really don’t have anything in common, apart from Ireland supplying most of the convicts who established Australia. The Micks (white tops) got a bit unhappy after the last couple of years’ games and won’t play us any more. They say we’re too rough. Can’t see why. :smiley:

Gotta say my favourite is the Aussie in the first Irish international video who gets put down on the run by the Paddy and comes up into immediate attack; pulls the Paddy’s jumper over his head; puts him down; and tickles him a bit before casually walking off. Quality play! It encapsulates everything we value down here. :slight_smile:

Congrats on you 1000th post there RS


But now I’m a fcuking occifer, which means my dcik and IQ have both shrinked and I have to rely on my Batman to bursh my tooth, and sheen my boats, eavery nicht.

I were smarter wen I were a a CNO. :smiley:

Do we now call you ‘Rupert’?


You may call me ‘Sir’.

And none of the ‘Cur’ shit, either. :smiley:

My apologies.

I was a little abrupt.

You may call me Tarquin.

But only in the Mess.

Later, when we’re alone, you may call me Roger. And you know what a Roger is, don’t you?

Tee hee hee (a semi-aristocratic giggle). :slight_smile:

Oh, god RS. Please tell me your’re not talking about a little bit of rogering:shock:


Only among officers.

It’s normal in Guards units, what! :smiley:

Copa America semi-final Argentina 3 Mexico 0

Brasilian comment:

The beautiful second goal by Lionel Messi in several languages, funny specially in arabic.

By the way if somebody want to talk about australian Football of the NFL season I suggest to open another topic.

And Argentina get blasted 3-0 by Brasil in the C. America Final…shuuuut. :neutral:

U-20 Championship, Czechs defeats Austria 2-0, to the final.

today plays Argentina-Chile.