World War 2 Collection

I couldn;t find a WW2 collection thread (yet) so I decided to start one. It is a “General WW2 discussion” if you ask me cause it is the items we collect now days that made the history in the past along side the men and women of all parts of the world! :slight_smile:

Here is my collection, and I would love to see other people show a bit of their own :slight_smile: (NOTE: These are 3 Month old Pics, since then my collection has grown double its size! :slight_smile: )

3 month old pics of my Home Museum:

Dang -_- I still have like 260 pics left at least, but you all have a taste! Hope you like, and I hope to see some of YOUR pieces! :slight_smile:

Hi drewthefan123.

Sorry ive got no pics to show you, but let me know if ever in the future
want too let one of youre german helmets go.
Nice collection.


I’m guessing the “Luftschultz” helmets were for Luftwaffe security police? Or were those worn by the actual glorious legions of Herman Goering? :slight_smile:

More like fireworkers, surveillance personal in air-raid shelters, doing cleanups after air-raids etc.

Danke schön!

Great lookin collection, your display looks very nice. If you are in the U.S. and would like some 81mm and 60mm mortar shrapnel, bazooka, grenade shrapnel…let me know, Ill send ya some, it looks really good with displays like this.
Any plans to upgrade the frag to an original WWII ? Again nice job of the collection. :wink:

Here is one new item of mine. Named WWI footlocker

inside #1.jpg

Some of my edged weapons collection.

My pathetic contribution to this thread:

When people ask I jestingly declare it as “Hitler’s very own plate” of inestimably value.:mrgreen:

Nothing pathetic about it…nice piece, I would love to have something like that in mine. Thanks for posting the pic. Its nice to hold history in your hands rather than just reading about it all the time.
Anyone else??? come on…are we all book worms here??? :slight_smile:

I cant find any ww2 items in any antique stores, it sucks.

Man, they look good.
I wish I had the money to do that sort of stuff…

Hi rifleman, Check out yard sales when you see older people…if you don’t see anything, ASK.
Tell them your interested in the history of WWII and do they have any WWII items for sale like uniforms, knives, helmets…and so on, you will be amazed that every once in a while someone will say yes but its not out because they didn’t think it was worth anything.
You might have to hit a few before one hits but remember, the hunt is part of the fun in finding this stuff. As a bonus, you will meet some true heros too. :slight_smile:

nice collection.We have a woods surrounding a big country house here in Holland which is still yealding treasures from the German occupation. Some of the finds include a silver medal for bravery " German " a leather luger pouch all kinds of ammunition and more interestingly various coins from other occupied countrys the French vichy for example.
I collect all stuff from the Avro Lancaster and feel this aircraft and Bomber command in general is more my speicality ive added one pic of the various cockpit gauges in my collection.
