World War 2 Online

S! All
I just found your site googling for some info into something, and i don’t see any references to World War 2 Online here ? do you guys know this awesome game ?

I heard it was total pants and also requires a subscritption.

It all depends what your looking for i guess, its kept me amused for 4 years already, if you consider a half scale map with towns and airfields on the south east coast of the uk south hollnd, northern france, western germany and all of belgium modelled at 50% of it’s size, maps that last 2 months instead of 20 minutes and player run high commands, with 1st person infantry, armour, planes and ships and thousands of people playing “pants” then yea i guess it is :slight_smile:
there is a subscription $12.99 a month + you buy an online cd key for about $15 and download the game, i can spend that in 1 night going out, i’d say the amount of money its saved me in 4 years must be phenominal (even if i have put it back into my pc to get the best experience possible)
now my version of pants is running round in what we call shoebox shooters with maps a couple of miles in diameter and 120 people max on servers, lol after WW2OL thats pants, each to their own though as they say :wink:

I will never buy a game that has a monthly fee. My neighbor use to play it all the time though.

its addiction value, it’s like the crack of all games, played 18 hour stretches and only stopped cos i was about to drop, for me i’ve had more value out of anything i’ve paid in subs, to the point that i dont even consider them, was paying 6 monthly slots just upped for a year for $99 (i think it was) can’t see it being any different next year either since we’ll have mosquitos mustangs and typhoons by then.
was on a factory bombing raid last night 60-80 DB7 Bombers and 20 assorted RAF and FAF escort fighters, imagine that…and even after 4 years that was a first for me, was absolutely amazing.

Sounds like a really cool game… But the subscription? hell no.

yea i used to think that way to, once i tried it i was glad it was only $12.99 a month cos i would be playing it if it was double (i kid you not) :slight_smile:

I would get it if I got a better connection =/