world war 2 playing card (not just proposal)

I am by no means not a racists, i make those cards because i have interest to use photoshops to make something. If you are offended by my work, i am deeply sorry.

Back Side

Adolf Hitler

If you think i did a good job, please reply to this topic, this is the only power to encourage me to make more. My next target is winston churchill.

i am also thinking on who to use on jokers. Please help me out:)

101th airborne

PS: can someone help me with the backside, i think it really needs fine tune, thanks.

I dont think that is a good idea to include a swastika in the cards.:rolleyes:

But it makes it historically correct - Hitler did tout the Swastika around quite often!

FW190 isn’t promoting it just including it in the context of Adolf Hitler.

Personally I would make the Aces the Soviet Forces as a whole, the British Forces as a whole, then the US Forces as a whole and so on (bet that is controversial!)

How about making the French and Italians the jokers?

yeah, that is exactly what i plan to do! Except the joker part, i probably would just find some funny pics from ww2.

In that case you might want to use the war variant of the blutfahne, it have a smaller swatika.

Thanks, i might consider using that instead!

I cant stand it when games or whatever WW2 related doesnt have the swastika. Takes away from the realism. Yet instead of the normal version the one PK posted would be better!

I seriously need help from you guys:)

What i want the order to be

Aces: 101th airborne, Waffen SS, (British special group), (Russian special group)

King: Adolf Hilter, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt

Queen: Biasmarck, Yamato, U-boat, (some US carrier)

J: Erwin Rommel, Bernard Montgomery, George S. Patton, Georgi Zhukov

10: T-34, Tiger, Sherman, Churchill

9: Me-262, Gloster Meteor, Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka, He-162

8: FW-190, Hurricane, P-51 Mustang, Spitfire (sp, i get that right on the card)

3: infantry series from Germany, British, Russian US

2: Hell on earth series
Auschwitz concentration camp, Stalingrad, The Nanjing Massacre, (britian when German are bombing london OR Leningrad)

thats all i can think of so far.

I seriously need help from you guys:)

What i want the order to be

If you need pictures of those objects, person there is plenty in the forum, just make some search.

For the Bismarck Ill suggest the color gallery of the main page.

I dont need the pictures, i just want to know what you think of the arrangements:)

I think is a good display FW.

yeah, my point is i dont know what to fill in for the rest of the numbers.

  1. Why arent the Aces the leaders? In most games the ace is the high card. Maybe make them the leaders or the flags of that country.

  2. Maybe get off the idea of just 4 main suits. Go for as many as you can. Therefore when you sit down to play the game you have more countries to choose from. So a set of US, GB, Germany, USSR, France, Japan, China, Italy…etc

US for instance

  1. Statue of liberty
  2. Common pic of ppl something patriotic ppl working the war effort
  3. Liberty Ships
  4. Jeep
  5. M3 Half Track
  6. US marines … landing somewhere
  7. US Army…Airborne or Ranger
  8. Sherman Tank
    10.P51 Mustang
    J. USS Yorktown
    Q. Patton
    K. FDR
    A. US Flag or put the flag on the reverse side and make this something like Flag raising on Iwo Jima.

Hope this helps