World War Two Zone

World War II Zone is a general World War II discussion forum. All are invited to join. Looking for interested topic moderators as well.

Thanks for your interest.

I would like to recommend this forum to our members. I have joined today. Anything that adds to ww2 subjects is good in my opinion and you can be a member of as many forums as you can post in.

Good luck to them, and us!

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have added a Links Directory and Book Review and Articles sections along with a custom designed skin.

If someone from here wants to add this site and/or their other favorite World War II site(s) please feel free. Links submission does not require site membership.

I’m giving World War II Zone a thumb up as well – after all, Jim added my site’s RSS feed to his forums :slight_smile:

I think WWII Zone is great! And will be better!

  1. It is much nicer to read, great skin. Easier on the eyes when long posts to be read.

  2. Some friends are already there - Firefly, Ingsoc, temujin77… I think migration just started. I know that Panzerknacker hates present skin of WWII in color…

  3. There is no “bolshevik” faction so:

a) All nice people and no one to kick and maim.
b) When bolsheviks will arrive there will be real fun!

  1. Emotikons works and are nicely extended - mine here don’t work at all.

  2. WWII Zone is nicely structured. Nothing against ours but nicer is nicer.
    (In the same way Toyota may be nice but mercedes is nicer).

Therefore I will spend much less time here and dedicate some of my time to WWII Zone.



If you’re trying to research gen on a particular battle or section of campaign take a squizz here:

They have a large number of maps available which should make it easier to picture the action concerned

I joined a few months ago. It’s a reasonable, if not good place.


Lance44… i am going to subscribe just for you!

Looks great.

yes, except that the administrator, Jim O, sound very patronising and a bit rude sometimes…

Let me rephrase.

It looks great, but what we have on this forum is much better!

I agree…

World War Two Zone somewhat died… or slowed down enormously…
And we are alive and kicking!

Yes i knew it. I think here in WW2 forum we have the best international forum in the web.
Certainly among amateurs ( or i’m wrong and somebody is professional historian is here?)


I agree with you Chevan.
This forum is world class.
I feel at times that their are some very professional opinions given.

And don’t forget for any question that you need answered by experts…

Looks a bit impersonal, but thanx for the link anyway.