Worst or most inaccurate WW2 film

What is it, then?

The Great Escape with a mixed US/UK prison camp?
Saving Private Ryan, when the Brits and Canadians weren’t mentioned?
The appalling Pearl Harbour (sorry had to spell it properly!)?
Something with John Wayne in?

I saw a promising Czech film called Dark Blue World which was good but had some clunky inaccuracies - airmen calling NCOs “Sir” and misplaced rank insignia.

For the worst, “Escape to Victory” will take some beating.

U 571.

This is going t o be strange though - Kelly’s heroes woefully inaccurate but was it ever meant to be accurate.
Saving Private Ryan - accurate in the extreme - for those bits it showed but lied by omission regarding the rest of the war effort

Pearl Harbor
Don’t you just love the scene where the nurse was using her lipstick to mark the forehead of wounded soldiers? :shock:

There was Americans in the same camp as the British, only a few and the roles of them are highly over exagerated and fabricated in the movie.

Amazingly, that actually happened:

[i]From the ships and airfields come the wounded—some horribly burned, others riddled by bullets and shrapnel. At some hospitals casualties are laid out on lawns. Medics convert barracks, dining halls, and schools into temporary hospitals.

For many severely wounded and dying men, all nurses can do is give them morphine. They then put a lipstick M on their foreheads to indicate the painkilling drug. Trucks become ambulances and hearses. The death toll eventually reaches 2,390.[/i]

My apologies General.
It just didn’t look real in the big screen i guess.

pearl habour and U 571 for sure

Pearl Harbour - joining the USAAF and then being posted to Britain for the Battle of Britian, the cheesy “if all yanks are as good as you, God help anyone who attacks America” line, the tacky love story. All round shite film


I heard one of the producers interviewed just after it came out. His justification for rewriting history?

“It is a true film because if it had happened, that’s how it would have happened.”

Reminds me of someone on here, can’t think who though. :wink:

i didnt see u571,its good?,apart from historical part obivous :lol:

Amazingly, that actually happened:

[i]From the ships and airfields come the wounded—some horribly burned, others riddled by bullets and shrapnel. At some hospitals casualties are laid out on lawns. Medics convert barracks, dining halls, and schools into temporary hospitals.

For many severely wounded and dying men, all nurses can do is give them morphine. They then put a lipstick M on their foreheads to indicate the painkilling drug. Trucks become ambulances and hearses. The death toll eventually reaches 2,390.[/i]

Your lucky some of us used blood as we do not carry lipstick (well most of us, but you can never tell). :slight_smile:

So it wasnt historically accurate. Big deal. The Americans did capture a German U boat and everything that comes with it. If the Brits are offended coz they were the first to capture an enigma coding machine they can go and make a movie about it if they wish. :roll:

Yea capitalism… :lol:

So it wasnt historically accurate. Big deal. The Americans did capture a German U boat and everything that comes with it. If the Brits are offended coz they were the first to capture an enigma coding machine they can go and make a movie about it if they wish. :roll:

Yea capitalism… :lol:[/quote]

Ok then just because France has built a pyramide outside Louvre museum can make a movie in wich French built the pyramids on Egypt?

So it wasnt historically accurate. Big deal. The Americans did capture a German U boat and everything that comes with it. If the Brits are offended coz they were the first to capture an enigma coding machine they can go and make a movie about it if they wish. :roll:

Yea capitalism… :lol:[/quote]

Ok then just because France has built a pyramide outside Louvre museum can make a movie in wich French built the pyramids on Egypt?


Oh come on. Just because the brits did it first does not make the american accoplishment any less of a feat. And if i remember correctly at the end of U571 we do list the british accomplishments along with ours. You can even compare the Pyramids of today to the Great Pyramids. There is nothing similar than the shape.

So it wasnt historically accurate. Big deal. The Americans did capture a German U boat and everything that comes with it. If the Brits are offended coz they were the first to capture an enigma coding machine they can go and make a movie about it if they wish. :roll:

Yea capitalism… :lol:[/quote]

The problem is not that they claim things but that people in the US believe (ironman) what Hollywood tells them is true. Many believe this to be fact and cannot or do not have the historical education to understand that it is drama and fiction.

An example of this was the Americans looking for the head stone of Ryan in France.
If the film (U571) had said, at the start, that in reality this had been done by a RN ship prior to the US action they would have got away with it (I think they had something at the end, who looks at the titles).

Unfortunately this lack of historical education is not only confined to the US now. It is becoming far more prevalent in Great Britain now.


So it wasnt historically accurate. Big deal. The Americans did capture a German U boat and everything that comes with it. If the Brits are offended coz they were the first to capture an enigma coding machine they can go and make a movie about it if they wish. :roll:

Yea capitalism… :lol:[/quote]

Ok then just because France has built a pyramide outside Louvre museum can make a movie in wich French built the pyramids on Egypt?


Oh come on. Just because the brits did it first does not make the american accoplishment any less of a feat. And if i remember correctly at the end of U571 we do list the british accomplishments along with ours. You can even compare the Pyramids of today to the Great Pyramids. There is nothing similar than the shape.[/quote]

I dissagree Gen. I wouldnt actually call the U.S. capture of the enigma on the u-boat usefull. They where already cracking and reading the code, and one more enigma box didnt matter much. Anyway the last bit of writing in the end of the movie wont change the viewers mind much.

-Hey they just watched an hour and half movie about the Americans being the first etc. and a whole lot of other miss information And it was a great movie, good acting and stuff. What does a few lines of writing in the end of a movie do? I remember whatching the movie, and I must of missed it or must of not taken any notice about the last bit of writing caus I thought that the basic idea was for reall. bit of a surprise when I researched a bit. so ya, U-571 was a bad WW2 movie

BTW, I remember watching the great escape long time ago, great movie. So can someone explain in detail about the miss information?

The “oddest” WWII film was an Italian film set in the Western Dessert with an English language soundtrack. I cannot remeber the name. Somehow despite being on oppossing side the Italians and British were the goodies and Germans were the baddies. The unrealistic bit was the Italian anti-tank tactics of running up to advancing tanks holding AT mines and throwing them under the tracks and then rolling away into a shellscrape at the last second.

Don’t know if the Italians did it in the desert but the Germans certainly used T-mines like that on the Eastern Front - Sven Hassel describes it in a few of his books.

Does sound like a strange film though.

Canaris I remember seeing somthing similar to the movie you described called somthing like Gates of Hell. It was utter shite. I had been out on the razz and saw it in the early hours through a smi-drunken haze but was able to notice that during an armoured attack scene they where using M113’s with descernable IDF markings.