Wot if... (PARODY ALERT)

Wot if Hitler had like loads of H-bombs and like 10,000 B-52 bombers? He could, like, of destroyed 9/10 of the world’s surface, melted the polar ice caps and used nukes against the jews.

And wot if Germany had had the Challenger 2? It would be like invinvible and would like p0wn the T34 and win the battle of kursk and stuff.

And wot if the French had been armed with the latest underwater fighting knife with tritium sights and teflon-coated bullets and a rate of fire of 10,000 a minute, then the German invasion would have been stopped dead, cos the M7XO3 underwater fighting knife can shred the armour of a Panzer at 2000 meters.

And wot if the entire Soviet army had spontaneously combusted at Stalingrad?

Wot if the German army had all been armed with M1 assult carbines? They’d of p0wned everyone as soon as they got to 300m.

What if Nelson had captained the Bismark?

What if Wellington had taken control of SS Totenkopf?

What if captain kangaroo took control of the Russian Army?

StalingradK yet again defeated by parody!

I think that if Hitler hadnt died in the Bunker hed have managed to survive the siege of Berlin and eventually persuaded the Japanese to come to his aid, because he would bribe the Japanese with his stealth tecchnology and htey would have invaded russia from the other end and drawn the Russians away, enabling Hitler to…

and on

and on

and on

and on

I heard that Hitler was a great flemenco dancer, what is your opinions of this, cause I cant be arsed to find out for myself?

No he wasnt a great ballroom dancer he was a great flamenco dancer.

(in the spirit of the dullards here)

Ah thanks for the info, it is of great interests to me.

Reciprocal spirit

beginners error firefly, A true Dullard would then poin out that I had agreed with you and I would continue to disagree for another six posts.

You must work on your dullard drills!

as punishment you must write out 700 posts expressing your agreement that this was a valuable post.

Damn, back to Mong school for me then…

Yeah Firefly, sideways !

Welcome to the Thread Cuts, We hope you have good infomation here.

Hi cuts we look forward at you supplying good posts from google and wikipeedia

does wiki say anything about Iwo Jima?
I would look myself but…

I agree with the last three posts, they’re the best I’ve ever read in any dimension.

Yoor thee best at righting of the freds.

:!: :?: :idea: :arrow:

HOLY FREAKIN GUANO BATBOY! You mean you can’t be bothered to look for yourself? No wonder you’re such a retard and don’t understand what a stunning contribution the M1 carbine made to that battle. It may have been so cold that we had to lubricate it with hair tonic, but it beat off all those Chink hordes a treat.

<dammit, I think I was going OK for the first sentence, but it went rapidly downhill from there :(>

Thanks that was really useful you are a good forum member i will recommend you for a medal.

Never mind that you thought Chosin was in Iwo Jima, you have spoken with authority and therefore ill beleive you until someone else says something entirely contradicoty then I will recommend them for a members Medal as well.

Then you can recommend me for a medal and despite the fact none of us has said anything of value we will all have high ranks and medals!

Hurrah. I am a MOD you msut listen to me because my signature takes up half a page and includes stupid self aggrandising titles.

how could you say that.that is anti- argentinean blather.eveyone knows thatt malvinas was argentinean from 1066 when argentinean army beats you brities up .anyway,france is celtice .

you do same thing in irak,but doesn 't matter,im german anyway .

holy guano bat -boy,can you not entiende what i tell you.i tells truth and never leaves this forum,NEVER!

anyway brities lost malvinas,anything else you say just blather and lie 's.

Got a bit confused there I think :smiley:

(Erwin, the above is a joke before you get defensive…)

you forgot to add

“this is last I ever say on this subject off to the cafe for cigarillos and to sit on my 'ped, never speak of you it them they all that again”

You bunch of Fuckermothers.

Wot if I ruled the World, the whole fecking world I’d sort you out no problem , Therapy or a good shoeing the choice is you’rs. The former would be curtesy of my theraputic cricket bat . Right I’m off on my hols back somtime in early September, Keep up the good work and Huzzar for the UK contingent,