Wot if Hitler had like loads of H-bombs and like 10,000 B-52 bombers? He could, like, of destroyed 9/10 of the world’s surface, melted the polar ice caps and used nukes against the jews.
And wot if Germany had had the Challenger 2? It would be like invinvible and would like p0wn the T34 and win the battle of kursk and stuff.
And wot if the French had been armed with the latest underwater fighting knife with tritium sights and teflon-coated bullets and a rate of fire of 10,000 a minute, then the German invasion would have been stopped dead, cos the M7XO3 underwater fighting knife can shred the armour of a Panzer at 2000 meters.
And wot if the entire Soviet army had spontaneously combusted at Stalingrad?
Wot if the German army had all been armed with M1 assult carbines? They’d of p0wned everyone as soon as they got to 300m.