
i finally found the video with a nuke going off and what it does. ive seen bits of it on TV, ut not this much.

for those of u that wanna check it out:

WOW :shock:

I didnt watch it coz im in the stone age right now on dail up. But im pretty sure ive seen that before. Has a shot of Atomic Annie. The US atomic artillery Gun. Now there was a dumb concept. At least IMO. Had a range of 20 miles or so. Just enough to get the fuckout of the way.

So what do you think of Davy Crockett, the poor man’s nuclear artillery?

The M-388 round used the W-54 warhead, a very small sub-kiloton fission device. The W-54 weighed about 51 lb (23 kg), with a selectable yield of 10 - 250 tons (very close to the minimum practical size and yield for a fission warhead). The complete round weighed 76 lb (34.5 kg). It was 31 in (78.7 cm) long with a diameter of 11 in (28 cm) at its widest point; a subcaliber piston at the back of the shell was actually inserted into the launcher’s barrel for firing.

The Davy Crockett could be launched from either of two launchers: the 4-inch (102 mm) M28, with a range of about 1.25 mi (2 km), or the 6-in (155 mm) M29, with a range of 2.5 mi (4 km). Both weapons used the same projectile, and could be mounted on a tripod launcher or carried by truck or armored personnel carrier. They were operated by a three-man crew.

Both recoilless rifles proved to have poor accuracy in testing, so the shell’s greatest effect would have been its extreme radiation hazard. Even at a low yield setting, the M388 would produce an almost instantly lethal radiation dosage (in excess of 10,000 rem) within 500 feet (150 m), and a probably fatal dose (around 600 rem) within a quarter mile (400 meters). With no shielding or protection from either blast or radiation, a Davy Crockett crew would have been unlikely to survive an engagement without long-term health risks.



Ding Ding Ding here comes the shit mobile. An idea that is sure to get everyone killed. Go USA. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And to think that the country that was formed from all the bastards that no one wanted is one of the strongest countries on Earth. Scary thought. :smiley: Define Irony.


And to think that the country that was formed from all the bastards that no one wanted is one of the strongest countries on Earth. Scary thought. :smiley: Define Irony.[/quote]

eh what was that about australia?

I thought we shipped the shite that we didnt want down south, whilst the ones tht were to “pure” for our heathen ways headed west?

America produced mc donalds and charles manson form generations of inbreeding puritan christians, whilst inbred criminal scum turned out the Minogue sisters and mid afternoon soaps!

That is IRONY

Mmm… Kylie

You should be safe from pretty much all of the effects of a tactical nuke at 20 miles. The counterbattery fire is a different matter however…

In any case, as I understand it the logic of the US divisional structure that relied so heavily on nuclear weapons in the postwar era is a bit unusual. It isn’t that nuclear weapons made them really powerful (without them they would apparently have difficulty fighting their way out of a paper bag), but that they couldn’t fight without using nuclear weapons. And if they used nuclear weapons, then SAC would be on the way. And until Kennedy/MacNamara <spit> gutted SAC and introduced the missiles that meant the remaining life of a country was measured in hours. Hence, the intended effect was deterrent rather than practical - it didn’t matter how useful the nukes were, rather that they had to be used.

Well, I know that Adenauer and the at this time minister of defense Strauss were very hot to get Davy Crocketts for the Bundeswehr (for aging Adenauer, being far in his 70s by then, Davy Crockett was just natural development of artillery). Especially Strauss got the hots for nukes, one reason of him ordering the F-104 as a nuclear bomber. Up to now the Luftwaffe has aircraft equiped and pilots trained for the use of American nukes. They are mounted on German aircraft and will be armed by two American officers. They are based e.g. at Büchel.


Wow, good video, thanks for posting it.

As an after thought – how did they film all the cars getting their paint melted off and the houses burning and stuff? How did the cameras get so close?

Ya I also want to know :?

Ya I also want to know :?[/quote]

Maybe the cameraman was just standing there in a Chemical Warfare suit w/ his camera? :? … lol, i doubt it but tis a theory :smiley: