wrap leggings - US Army | Gallery

wrap leggings

Wrap leggings worn by US troops WW1 and up to about 1939 when they adopted of the canvas legging.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army/51141/wrap-leggings

This is the leggings the US Army was wearing when I joined in Oct 1937. By late '39 or early l40 we had long pants covered with a canvas legging whch we had thru WW2. I can not remember if we dropped the canvas legging with combat boots. As I remember the boots only had about 4 - 5 inches for tucking in our pants leg. Never heard the word “puttee” or “gaiter” used in my day. Offices wore boots and sam browne belts. I was never good a wrapping my leggings, good in front, bad in back. And there was nothing like having one come undone while you were marching.