WW2 color films

Hi guys, i justed wanted to see if anyone can explain to me how is it that there are color films from ww2, like from hitler in his eagle´s nest, when 1st TV aparatus came in 1967. Thanx in forward :smiley:

Stalag 3a, never forget POW

sry forgot to write color TV !!

Have not you heard of colouring black and white film.
Professinals actually colour in the old black and white film.
The film was actually filmed in black and white at the time.
I actually saw a coloured 1911 film of the British army in India.

This films were made for cinema not TV.
The first colorfilm was made 1896,
colorized by hand.

Here an article about the first motion picture exhibition device:

yes i heard about coloring the b and w films, so actually these videos are originaly coloured, i mean for example hitler in his eagle´s nest, or some videos of german tiger panzer tanks. I´m not very into cinema or film making, just a friend told me that 1st tv in color was made in 1967, and these videos are in color, and they are from 1944, so they were made for cinema than. Okay guys, much obliged, :cool: thanx

Hey commando,Im guessing here. what ever year America introduced the colured film ,thats the year coloured started. But have no idea what year that was.cheers