ww2 comics/ cartoons

my favorite is the willie and joe series and in this thread you can discuss ww2 comics and/or post them


very funny german cartoon tank manual.

Hey Jagdpanther, post more of those, they’re good.

I like the cavalry one best:D Hitlerarious.

“Willie & Joe” showed up in one cartoon panel radioing into base that they were making a “200 mile detour” around Patton’s Fourth Army, principally to avoid all the “fines” imposed by “Old Blood & Guts” on his troops…

Subtle comment on the “regime” of George S. Jnr!

“Able Fox Five to Able Fox. I got a target but ya gotta be patient.”

http://www.amazon.com/Willie-Joe-Years-Bill-Maudlin/dp/1560978384/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1216133548&sr=8-2 if you like the comics i posted than you should get this book


Josef Goebbels: "If the English think they could concuss our faith into the Führer, they are mistaking enormously!"

Russian WW2 cartoon:

General: “What are we going to do, mein Führer?”
Hitler: “Just a moment. I first have to center myself.”

Falling Hare ('43) is super good, but animated, does that count for this thread?

Here’s the link

Also, you might try the Toons At War blog, great great site:

Toons At War

Here’s another great site for Willie and Joe, please excuse any duplications:

Library of Congress: Mauldin and Willie and Joe

Stalin VS Hitler:

found on Military Photos

My all time favorite cartoon is the Sargent Major about to put his beloved jeep out of it’s misery. Always makes me smile! Thanx for posting it.

Does anyone remember any of the old WWII comic books from the 1960’s? Where’s Sgt. Fury when we need him?? And those guys in the Stuart tank that the ghost of old “JEB” used to watch out for. Wonder what those old comics are worth these days?

I got 'em! Well, some of them! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: About the only thing I saved from when I was a kid.

Used to be, there was a binary newsgroup that scanned these and put them up…but that was a long time ago.

(runs over to the computer…)

I just found 'em on Amazon…they evidently have compiled them into a 500 page volume. Look up “haunted tank comic showcase” that should pull up something, might be able to search another way though…

Might be worth a shot? I would love to find some Sgt. Rock. Loved that series…I’ve got some of the later ones, but the early ones are much better…