WW2 Ice Aircraft Carrier

Not sure if you guys have heard about this??? Anyhow would have been cool if they would have actually done it.


I saw that on the History Channel.

Very “cool” :lol:

Reminds me of those crazy WW2 US projects, like teaching bats how to carry and drop bombs etc :smiley:

Money well spent is half of the victory… ;-D

According to G.I. Joe “Knowing is half the battle” :slight_smile:

I seem to remember the bomb caught fire (it was an incendiary) while still attached to the bat. Good thing PETA weren’t around!

Rather like the Russian exploding dogs…

This, of course, was such a “great” idea that it got funding, I just would like to know what sort of ideas were rejected ;-D

They were actually going to go to the Antarctic and cut off a huge piece of an iceburg, but then they remembered that 10% of the iceburg is above water and 90% is below the water, and they needed a piece at least 100 feet high.

All Pykrete is is saw dust and wood pulp frozen in water. I’m going to make some when I get really, really, really bored.

and wat r u going to do if u make sum pykrete sarge?

Mate, you are not on a messenger but on a board, so please use plain English.

Respect me and I’ll respect you.

ok i’ll use plain english.

Thank you!

Not to be outdone by Ruskie boom-boom dogs, in WW2 the Japaneze had an overabundance of HUMAN volunteers willing to strap AT charges on their bodies and were to lay as tanks overran them and blow the explosives by contact or manual trigger during the forthcoming invasion of the Kyushu.

I’m going to make a fort and scream profanities at people passing by.


I’m going to go shooting at my friend’s ranch soon, so I might take some there and see what a Mauser/Webley will do to it. I’ll take pictures.

i wonder what will happen if you throw a grenade at the pykrete?

Subject of animals on kamikaze missions, the Brits managed to train pigeons to guide missiles on to ships.

They were in the front and were trained to tap a window in front of them where the ship was. In training they received food for correctly tapping the ship. By tapping the ship this moved the window which altered the control surfaces of the missile. I think in the actual mission the food was dispensed every time the bird touched the glass.

Don’t know if one was ever actually used in anger though.

im still wondering :wink:

Not having any experience of the stuff I wouldn’t know, however I would guess that a the reletively small amount of explosive carried in a grenade would do very little damage to a substantial amount of this matierial.

i just thought of something, what if you put a grenade in the pykrete before its frozen and when it is frozen,pull off the pin and see what happens.

Erm how would you get the pin out if it’s frozen? Plus if it’s frozen, the spoon wouldn’t come off.

What if, right, you made a special anti-freeze bomb. And put it in to the middle?