WW2 Movie Contest

Thought this might be fun for some of you that are have a few moments of spare time. So anyhow make a movie and up load it to http://www.filefactory.com/ or some other place.

Here is mine. K its could use some work coz I wasnt thinking and did it in a hurry. So some of the pics are thumbs and not full size photo’s. Blurry vs sharp. Anyhow download it here and have a look. When we get enough we can rate them or something.


Edited to add: about 2:51 and 9 Mbs not a very long download.

Also please feel free to comment on the movie! If you dont like it I wont be offended.

Pretty cool, I liked all the pictures that you made for it. The song was pretty cool too. :wink:

i have been working on it, send it to here when done, thanks

How do I make one?

Do you mean somethign such as what you did or a flash one?

Very nice movie, the music was very fitting.

i did a SWF one
but i am not done

Well i did mine in Windows movie maker. Which im sure you have on your computer but I dont suggest using it. Its okay and didnt take me very long but can be a pain from time to time. Also make sure you get full size images and not thumbnails. As you can see in mine I have some really crappy pics. This is the reason. Im sure you can make a better video with another program…but if you just want to play around windows movie maker is okay.

Windows Movie Maker works only on Windows XP.
I have Windows 2k, therefore I am unable to make any movie right now. :frowning: :frowning:

Yes another unfortunate drawback to that program. It can work in 2k but crashes most of the time.

When I get my new computer I shall try it out. Looks fun.

Love the sig…“The stars at night are big and bright”…

I may give it ago, is there any problem using photos from the gallery?

I think there wouldn’t be any problem as long as you will credit www.ww2incolor.com

Here’s my shot at it, hope you enjoy it! Any comments welcome. Its just under 7MBs and should download quickly!


It’s very impressive for the use of the cronology. The images show each important moment and protagonist of the war. Outstanding the Stones!!!

It’s like me so much!! Iron Maiden inserts perfectly!!!

It’s like me so much!! Iron Maiden inserts perfectly!!!

Thanks, I chose that song because the drumming is like a marching beat. Also it builds to a climax then comes down, much like a battle.

Good job man!, the title seemed to me like a new History Channel documental.

And the pics where great,it was incredible how you made them to look like in temporal order,and the music was cool.

Maybe i also do my own but i need time.