WW2 myths

Ive been reading the German section. Bas mentioned myths etc.

So what are some of the myths of ww2.

I will kick us off.

A perpetuated myth is that Mongomery and all of the Brits in Normandy sat on their backsides drinking tea while the US fought the battle.

I believe that is one of the biggest myths of the ETO campaign in 44-45.

is that a myth that the german are trying to build a UFO disc that can fly over 2000 km/h?

i read from a book that one of the version would require the entire disc to rotate so fast that it would kill the crew inside, so the project was forced to cancel

Hitler finally accepted the MP44 for general service after witnessing a mock assault by his personal guard armed with MP.44s. The story goes that he was so impressed he renamed it the StG.44

What happend:
The display was scheduled and held by SS soldiers armed with MkB.42’s but Hitler turned down the invatation to attend. It wasn’t until ~2 years latter that he finally approved the MP.44

That sounds very much like a myth you’ve just made up.

That sounds very much like a myth you’ve just made up.[/quote]
its not something i made up and the part where nazi german tries to build UFO disc is on discovery channel

I saw that Discovery Channel programme. Very strange it was. But in the end there was no proof that anyone knew exactly what was happening at the facility they visited, only that it used a huge amount of electricity.

I have never heard this myth, is there anything in print to back this myth up?

Is there anything to the myth that Montgomery had the info that Eisenhower was having an affair with his secretary, and that if Eisenhower gave fuel to Patton rather than Monty, he would go public with the affair info.
The fuel was given to Monty…has anyone else heard this story?

I have never heard this myth, is there anything in print to back this myth up?[/quote]

‘Descision in Normandy’ is one that comes to mind along with ‘Ike and Monty’ by Gelb. Also a couple of Ambrose books along with many others I cant remember right now.

Ive never heard of that one though.

Another Myth is that the Japanese carried out an unprovoked attack in 1941.

Another myth is that at Midway the Japanese carriers were caught with its flight decks full of refueling/rearming dive/torpedo bombers. Ended up such a scenario is pretty much impossible according to Japanese naval aviation doctrine at the time.

Some belive that the “craft” that crashed at Roswell was a disk found in Germany after the war that the USA was testing. Seems a bit far fetched and could well be a myth but it is a fact the Nazi’s were experimenting with “Flying saucers”

This site has alot of info in German about the disks

The Rundflugzeug RFZ 7 is very intresting.


wow impressive pics of UFOS :shock:

IIRC it was either AVRO or DeHavilland Canada that made a prototype “flying saucer”.

The Germans had a disc that flew though not at any hyper-performance levels.—

A flying disc was conceived by BMW engineers led by a Dr. Miethe near Prague. The Flugelrad V-1 used a BMW 003 with 4 deflection blades for a power source but most other details are unknown. That engine would hang underneath the disc and provide thrust and deflection blades would give directional stability as they spun.

Diameter was penciled out at 19.6 feet with a height of 7.2 feet. Weight was foreseen at around 6,600 lbs. A single pilot position was drawn in at the center of the disc. No armament was stated.

The Flugelrad V-1 was built in 1943 and made its first flight sometime in the Fall of that year at the Prague/Kbely airfield. The Idea behind this odd looking aircraft, was the use of deflection of the exhaust gases from a BMW 003 turbojet upwards to make a 12 bladed disc spin at up to 1,800 RPM. At the same time the exhaust was redirected backwards changing the pitch of the discs blades so it would take off VTO-style and then fly like an autogyro.
What became of the prototype is unknown. Only blueprints and drawings are left now but this craft once existed and flew.

Editted by Dani for addition of the source http://tanks45.tripod.com/Jets45/Histories/BMW-Fv1/BMW-V1.htm

What would be the point of it though? I mean could it have any advantages over a contemperary aircraft?

More on Flugelrad: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_ufoaleman_4.htm

… and the others…

Ok, I seeing the pictures right now, and it seems that it can fly.
Imagine all the people coming a great city and bombing it 8)

Maybe more of psychological effect than a normal aircraft. Seeing something so weird would really worry enemy troops and circulate rumours and stories amongst the soldiers.