WW2 Supremacy

I am also PLT SGT BAKER in this forum, which is also a game. Basically you can choose which side you want to be. (germany,american,italian,british etc). People there will mostly ask if you want to be adopted and they will teach you how to play, and many more. And you can join clans. If you want to learn more visit http://war.coldfirestudios.com and go to click forums or what ever you want to go to.

Looks intresting, does it need alot of time?

Plt.sgt.Baker is this thing free? (i am a skint student after all)

Yes, The game is free.

well i just got dumped so i need a new hobby!

Correction… youve been liberated!

Correction… youve been liberated![/quote]

:lol: :lol: Always the optomist

Anyway, sorry to hear about that Scaley. :frowning:

You know the drill:-

  1. Put the Dear John on the notice board.
  2. Hit the juice with your mates, preferably to a point where you Grand Slam.
  3. Soldier on.

If you’re still intent on joining, it’s hard enough with a bergan, (and in your case also a rdo,) on your back - you don’t need to carry a doris too.

Crack on mate - it’ll be fine.

Commiserations matey, however I dont think your Ex was really compatible with a career in the Military from the snippets you have previously shared.

I’d go with Cuts idea here.

Well, i got pissed last night, correction slaughtered. She spent five minutes pleading with me not to get drunk, saying she ‘cared’ well if she cared that much she wouldn’t have dumped me, anyway imtold her she lost the right to stop me drinking the moment she dumped me, sod her.

From now on i’ll stay faithful to the Queen’s Regulations, onward to drukeness!

Hail to the ale!!

Ale ale I drink like a whale… Thats as far as I got to this song.

Ale ale I drink like a whale, when we’re getting drunk you’d better not bail!

Ale ale I drink like a whale, when we’re getting drunk you’d better not bail![/quote]

Or chunder for that matter, i’m off for a filthy night out in the student union club tomorrow, one may have to vigourously ‘sample’ the union’s beer range, for quality testing you understand.

I have a thing called the six pint line. If I drink up to six pints I can stop at any point, If I start on the 7th there ain’t no stopping and I ain’t gonna remember the night the next day.

Student Sacley, Oh dear you’ve been jibbed. Well whats to worry your at Uni, it’s a totty allotment. I would sugest you concentrate on notches and your ejamacation. If uni life is still as I remember it, last years freshers are begining to realise that they can get all dirty without any one at home finding out so the uni bar should be a happy hunting ground for things of a carnal nature, watch and shoot.

Sadly I was a mature student, married and a parent but I was still having to beat them off with a stick though I was almost old enough to be their fathers (what would frued tell us about this).

As you seem determined to take the colours think of it in this context, when you hear the unique ( in commning never sounds like out going) sound of a round whipping past your head you don’t think of what might have been, rather than “feck me that was close”.

As a matter of interest though did the dumping involve any of these statements

1 it’s not you, its me
2 you know I love you but
3 I hoped you would change but
4 I’ve out grown you and
5 I hope we can still be friends
6 Books , I was hoping for a gift basket from the Body Shop for Christmas or at least a vibrator and some nipple clamps that you could hide behind the couch, you should have taken Large Brews advice after all he is a pole dancing trick cyclist who can induce orgasms with a glance ( ok Number six is a long shot as I have jet lag and have been drinking).

Married and Army, trust me it dosent work ( I would refer the right honerable gentleman to the response re:- Bergans/Doris) , you would miss out on all the fun stuff that you can tell your kids after you meet the real Mrs Sacley ie: daddy why is the man in the photograph seting fire to the rolled up news paper clenched between your buttocks.

I think options 1,2 and 5 were used. Though I would disagree about married and in the army, my parents have been together 25+ and 22 years of that is in the army.

And in my experience freshers aren’t what they were when i was one. The bints are too scared of being labelled slags hence few if any put out, either that or i’m at the wrong uni.