WWII B-17 burns in Oswego, Illinois - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery

WWII B-17 burns in Oswego, Illinois

A B-17 took off from the Oswego airport with 7 people aboard today, June 13, 2011. One engine caught fire and the pilot tried to get back to the airport. He realized that he could'nt make it back to the airport so he set it down in a corn field. All 7 people aboard escaped unharmed.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/modern/40053/wwii-b-17-burns-in-oswego-illinois

BBMF Hurricane MkIIc LF363 in 1991
A couple of weeks after its seven year rebuild

No matter the condition they can be rebuilt. In the case of LF363 a small but specific part surviving meant that it could be classed as the original aircraft despite being completely rebuilt.