WWII-era Japanese sub found near Hawaii

HONOLULU, Hawaii (AP) – The wreckage of a large World War II-era Japanese submarine has been found by researchers in waters off Hawaii.

A research team from the University of Hawaii discovered the I-401 submarine Thursday during test dives off Oahu.

“We thought it was rocks at first, it was so huge,” said Terry Kerby, pilot of the research craft that found the vessel. “But the sides of it kept going up and up and up, three and four stories tall. It’s a leviathan down there, a monster.”

The submarine is from the I-400 Sensuikan Toku class of subs, the largest built before the nuclear ballistic missile submarines of the 1960s.

They were 400 feet long and nearly 40 feet high and could carry a crew of 144. The submarines were designed to carry three “fold-up” bombers that could be assembled for flight within minutes.

Kerby said the main hull is sitting upright and is in good shape. The I-401 numbers are clearly visible on the sides, and the anti-aircraft guns are in almost perfect condition, he said.

An I-400 and I-401 were captured at sea a week after the Japanese surrendered in 1945. Their mission – which was never completed – reportedly was to use the aircraft to drop rats and insects infected with bubonic plague, cholera, typhus and other diseases on U.S. cities.

When the bacteriological bombs could not be prepared in time, the mission was reportedly changed to bomb the Panama Canal.

Both submarines were ordered to sail to Pearl Harbor and were deliberately sunk later, partly because Russian scientists were demanding access to them.

The submarine found Thursday is the second Japanese vessel discovered off Oahu by the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory. In 2002, researchers found the wreckage of a much smaller Japanese sub that was sunk on December 7, 1941, off Pearl Harbor.


Wow dude, thats pretty interesting. Especially the rats with deseases. Biological warfare.

Now theres a crazy Japanese plan that might have actually worked.

it’s nothing compared to anime.it’s turning young people into mindless zombies!

germans had a simlar plan to bomb new york with radioactive sand, not intent to kill immediatly buy to make the working population ill

I heard on somewhere that America wanted to drop tons of red paint on Mt. Fuji, so to degrade the moral, as Mt. Fuji is a significant symbol of Japan. Boy, some people can come up with some pretty weird ideas.

Really? Did you really hear that? Where? Can you remember? I doubt you did. But if you did, I mean really, why do you believe it?

caugh caugh

This guy never ceases trying anything he can to insult the US. Sheesh. Digging mighty low for that one.

Really? Did you really hear that? Where? Can you remember? I doubt you did. But if you did, I mean really, why do you believe it?

caugh caugh

This guy never ceases trying anything he can to insult the US. Sheesh. Digging mighty low for that one.[/quote]

I heard it on T.V. actually, and well it might not be 100% true I still heard it. And IRONMAN I didnt really think my previous post was an insult, why was It? Its just something that I saw on T.V. and it was one of these shows where they dig up information that nobody has really heard about, but it will be interesting to find out if it is true or not. I really didnt mean it as an insult to anybody.

And may I please ask you not to always find something to bash me about. I know I have somehow pissed you off, but whatever, leave it alone.

So you say that you heard that on tabloid TV and believed it? Surely you don’t think even a bunch of drunk 3rd world sustinance farmers who had never been to a city in their life would even consider such a ridiculous thing. I mean, it would take thousands and thousands of trips in planes to cover the top of a mountain with enough paint to see it from miles away. And I suppose Japan would just let Allied air forces make all those countless trips to do it without unimaginable flak fire and attacks from zeros? And you expect others to believe that America is stupid enough to try something so ridiculous against the most highly defended island on earth at the time? Come on man. Which hat did you pull that rabbit from?

How would you feel if I said, "South Africa had a plan to launch thousands of toy boats with hand grenades in them at the German navy.

So you say that you heard that on tabloid TV and believed it? Surely you don’t think even a bunch of drunk 3rd world sustinance farmers who had never been to a city in their life would even consider such a ridiculous thing. I mean, it would take thousands and thousands of trips in planes to cover the top of a mountain with enough paint to see it from miles away. And I suppose Japan would just let Allied air forces make all those countless trips to do it without unimaginable flak fire and attacks from zeros?

No, I do not believe you ever heard that on any TV program. Thank you.[/quote]

I was not insulting anybodies nation, and I only heard, so therefore I decided to post it, so that more people can research to see if it is true or not. This is just a WW2 forum not freakin history book. But, I will try and research to find out more.

Just ignore him mate he’s got a paranoia problem and thinks we’re all out to get him … :lol:

I edited your post. I think what is here is enough and makes your point. If you would like to start a topic on what I edited out please feel free to start an Off Topic Subject on that.

Right!!! To prove that I am not wrong I will give you information!! I asked a friend of mine to search for it and he found it however it is in Japanese.

Origional site located here:http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~yamamosa/toribia-0.htm

Translated site is posted here::

The maneuvers were advanced as follows:

Being able to dye Mt. Fuji red even now former times just the evening sun
1945, the occasion where meeting of the psychological war for Japan was done in the US military headquarters, a certain scientist as for the Japanese has especially loved Mt. Fuji, if blue Mt. Fuji is dyed red, that it is possible to lower the fighting spirit of the Japanese, you propose.

All recognized that directed to execution as the maneuvers which are superior, and story advanced.
But, when the one of the scientists tries calculating the quantity of the paint, above imagining the fact whose Mt. Fuji is large was ascertained, the discontinuance was decided instantaneously at that place by the judgement of the higher stratum of society section.

1 CIA (the American Central Intelligence Agency) it was predecessor, on second next great war at that time, there was a post, “psychological war section” “the strategic intelligence bureau” inside, the maneuvers which drop the fighting spirit of the Japanese were thought.

To cover 2 Mt. Fuji surface, thinking from the surface area, the paint approximately 120000 tons furthermore B29 which carries that becomes approximately 3 State affairs necessary.

Because the marijuana archipelago and Japan which is the base of 3 B29 approximately 2500km it is, the gasoline cost per 1 catches approximately 2000000 Yen. When this is calculated 3 State affairs, with only gasoline cost 60000000000 Yen means to be required.

Yes it might seem crazy, but it was an idea, a pretty good one, however it wouldnt be worth it.

I suppose to the Brits it’s alright for them to make a film about British capturing a warship, but it’s not OK for Americans to make a film about it when they do it. How ridiculous. How petty.

There is something that I hope you will all read here:


I think you need to travel outside the US and see the rest of the world then you might come to understand.
It isn’t the American people as every country has idiots.It is the Fact that America has tried to influence other countries when to be honest they shouldn’t have.

I will give an example.

The British Army in Germany even now uses the local currency on base (Euro’s now I suppose although I nearly said deutchmarks) We are in Germany but we use the German ways,food currency etc.

Now haveing visited some American bases there it is completely different they use dollars on base and bring America with them (Fair enough)But overall there is no attempt to try living any other way than that which they are used to.

THIS post is not having a go but merely trying to explain things .

Where I come from (not far from where I live now in fact)There are a lot of people who are quick to judge and the like but most of them have never been out of their own country so all I am saying is that you need to travel and meet other people in their own contries and environments to understand what and why they think the way they do.

Ok you guys have explained your sides. I think you are starting to get off topic here. The last couple have nothing to do with A japanese sub being found. The paint on Mt. Fuji was a bit related but after that this has gone off course.

US currency used on American bases (where there almost nobody except Americans) must be exchanged in a bank for Euros in Germany before it can be spent in Germany. How is this some attempt to control Europeans? My goodness. Do you see how ridiculous that is? Really now. What are you thinking here?

You assumed that I am ignorant because have never been out of my country? Well, you are incorrect, on both. And we Americans do understand what people think. Your mistake is assuming that we do not. What is difficult to understand is that you post a reference from a Japanese tabloid (like the British one you used earlier) as a source of false information designed to degrade Americans by making them look stupid.

Let me help you with something:

The US did not have plans to paint the top of Mt. Fuji red.

Your source was Japanese tabloid press.

The CIA does not share it’s classified documents with the Japanese tabloid press, or even Americans for that matter!

Americans using US currency on their military bases (which must be exchanged to be used if they step off of the base) is an attempt to control the people of Germany???

All I can say is… Huh???

It is you I am afraid, who are intollerant. Now once again you insult my country by implying that “it is common and natural that people of other nations dislike America and they deserve it because of the things they do.”

It would not be an exaggeration for someone to say that Britain (England?) has attempted to control other nations, by annexing the peoples of Ireland, Scotland, South Africa, and imposing law martial upon the people of Bejing and India. But nobody is here criticising them for that. However, we are hearing a lot of blather from you about why everything posted about anything American in this forum deserves to be attacked and branded as unethical.

Yes, you are extremely intollerant. And it is precicely such a mindset that perpetuates intollerance, racism, and nationalistic hate. Please refrain from making such comments and unsupported claims. Others, including mysrelf, are not making them about your nation.

oh weve got a biter, dont question America or youll end up in the axis of evil.

the only view that we can put forth in this forum. Is thankyou american defender of the free never did anything wrong, saviour of the free. never out of line no corruption bless you and all that live there, cant wait till I can get myself a green card, ra ra ra

is that right IRONMAN or do you concede that there are areas of your nations history that are doubtful?

I do not intend to slam America, I intend to slam the parochial attitude displayed by all nationalists or blindly patriotic folk that wold rather believe the entire world is out to get them than appreciate the diversity of opinion is generated by interpretation of the events.

Now flame me, and Ill respond, Id jsut like a concession that possibly uncle sam isnt always the benevolent uncle.

You both are tetering on the brink. Doesnt seem what you are talking about has much to do with this topic. Start another if you want (that way if it gets out of control I can just delete all your posts at once) :smiley: Remember this a a WW2 forum not an episode of Springer.

is there a pic?