Wwii rpg

Here is a really good WWII RPG (ROLE PLAY GAME)!!!

looks fun

i hope u dont mean that

Hey guys and gals,
You ever notice that No Officers play this game. Maybe they think they are too good for us eh?. I mean, who wants to play bumb or bump with an officer anyways; they are probably too snooty to join in our little game anyways. Thanks to Major Winters (who holds a non-officers rank I may add), for creating this game and I log out today with yet another Le Bump!..YAHOO!!

I Hav notice officers [The Big Boys] dont join in.
Maybe they too manly too join…anyways they ignore me alltime.
Maybe cause im on here…Who knows.
Le Bump …catch you later

Sorry Major, I did not know there was a website…It looks cool, but i don’t think I will have the time to play it cause I have limited use of a computer. I won’t interupt your thread here, sorry about that if I got you mad…um, by the way how come you are a colonel in the other site and only a major in this site(your web name that is), and is that really your pix in your site?..

Le bump !
I thought Dudette meant Female, but i found out by other members it means small cock.
where did you go, i thought you where angry or something

Why would I be angry at you?..Your harmless:)…sometimes I have more time than at other times thus depends on things…and I don’t beleive that Duddette explanation although I read it before…you could call yourself Chickee instead of Duddette…hahaha (kidding)…BUMP!

Do you like those kinds of names do you?
That sounds good though Chickee.
Le Bump

A troll is a forum participant who posts for one or both of two reasons: 1) to disrupt; 2) to gain attention.

Among the many tactics trolls use are posting intentionally erroneous statements or questions, like the one above, to provoke a response to enable the troll to get attention and control the discussion, because trolls are usually immature, inadequate and socially isolated people whose get trolling gives them the senses of power and identity which are absent from their real lives.

The most effective way to discourage a troll is usually to ignore him or her, because responding encourages a true troll to continue disruptive posts to that forum — hence the often-seen warning, “Please do not feed the Troll”.

Do not feed the troll.

Crapy image but this is what it is.

It is sorta like a half track. Except yields one Bren Gun, and can haul several fully equipped troops. Made by the British.

whats ww2 rpg is what i meant i know what a bren carrier is hell ive got to ride in one fun thing just dont stop suddenly whip lase from hell

YEAH i know members should ignore this troll here, the biggest troll of all. Meaning R***gsn
Cut and paste and just more cut and paste answers, then he dictakes to everyone else that hes opinions are always right.
Ive worked RS out, so if you want to get on with RS, just argree with his cut and paste long boring answers and you should be fine.

This is one of the most unoriginal and primitive trolling posts one can find among the billions on the internet.

Its appearance indicates that we are dealing with a rather more unsophisticated troll than was originally thought.

Experience suggests that the failure of the target to respond to this trolling post will provoke the troll to more extreme posts, frequently based on assertions of victimisation and requests to other members to support the poor little victim, who will usually be characterised as suffering from some alleged disability or being a member of an alleged minority.

Do not feed the troll.

Ive already complaine once,not cause of opinons about me, cause you call me a troll and you are trying to alienate me from the rest of the members.
I know what you are trying to do. Stop playing games RS.

Major Wintors- LE.BUMP

I call this a flamefest…:roll:
I mean, both of you, quit sniping at each other…

Hi Schmidt,

Has you can see in the earlier posts, ive been here on this thread for a long time.
RS followed me here to cause sh*t with me.

I am sorry, but i did not ruin this thread this time, RS ruin this thread.

Hes just angry with me cause, he couldet beat me down and get rid of me like those other members that came across him.

Now stay on the thread topic can we please
RS even scared poor young major.

This wouldn’t be happening if aly didn’t initiate it, for her own curious trolling purposes.


I’ve stopped.

But I suspect this won’t be the end of it.

And WTF is it with this pointless ^ ?

Um, No RS its not pointless, its a bit of fun mostly for the younger members on here.
No one forced you to come on here.
Any RS if you dont like my postings, dont read them ok.