
Hey there…my site NAZIPHOTOS has plenty of pics about the German War Machine…The vids there, I made so please dont be to harsh on them…lol…In time many more clips and vids have to go on but I need to get my broadband back first…I am always looking for more sites where I can get videos from so any help would be greatly appreciated…

    cheers fellas..............Alex

Cool site, good job! Looks like most of it is under construction, hope to see more coming!

GREAT SITE! :wink:

AWESOME site, I especially enjoyed the fallschirmjager photos. Paratroopers in general interest me.

One thing though, I’m compelled to say this even though it’s a bit too late – your site is obviously focused on the German war machine and not the Nazis, why did you call the site “NaziPhotos.com”? :stuck_out_tongue: Had you named it Wehrmachtphotos.com or something it could’ve saved you the trouble of putting that disclaimer message on the front page :slight_smile:

pretty nice site :smiley:

YES, i love the background music, lol
yea nice site,

whats that song called outta cerosity?

I love the music too! :smiley: ,if i can help you in your site,contact me to my msn ( i can give it to ya by pm)

thanks :slight_smile:

Freewebs Site Temporarily Frozen…?

We are sorry, this site is unavailable because it has used up its monthly bandwidth. Please try back another time

Sorry guys didn`t saw that bevore…

Is it erased of the web?
I missed it, pitty… :oops:

No, it will return once the bandwidth limit resets. Most of the time it resets at the beginning of the month.

And then, we have to visit the site at the next year. 5 a.m. as posibly.

Site is coming back online… :lol:

nice site, only if you have more video:)

It looks like a good site, but I get errors on all the pages except infantry

heres a site i stumbled upon.