Yougoslavija - Chetnik 1941 - 1945

Hi, this is my first post! :smiley:

Many pics of chetnik force in yougoslavija

To know the history of chetniks movement:

Good stuff and welcome. What was a Chetnick though?

Member of a Serbian nationalist group that operated underground during the German occupation of Yugoslavia in World War II. Led by Col Draza Mihailovic, the Chetniks initially received aid from the Allies, but this was later transferred to the communist partisans led by Tito. The term was also popularly applied to Serb militia forces in the 1991–92 Yugoslav civil war.

Here the history Draza Mihailovic which was assassinated by Tito :

chetniks were serbian natioanalist paramilitary terrorist group, working for the germans during invasion of yugoslavia (april 1941) until the 1943 when they saw that axis is going to lose, they transfered to titos partisans… they commited a lot of crimes and killed and terrorized croatian, and muslim people not only before and during (spring 1942) ww2, but also later on bleiburg field on slovenian-austrian border, and in war for croatian independence (domovinski rat) 1991-1995…

And the chetniks were fighting with the germans near Drvar 1944 when the axis tried to capture Tito…