Your fav alternate history book

Now i like a lot of alternate history books my favorite being fatherland i also like ss gb but whats your favorite book about alternate history

The History-channel is the biggest and best History book ever. Hehehe.
I got a funnie feeling im going to get my head bitten of here.

Gettysburg - An alternate history by Peter G. Tsouras
“In the Civil War’s pivotal battle, one moment could have changed everything.”

and about WW2:

Der 21. Juli by Christian von Ditfurth

I would have to say “The Man in the High Castle” by Philip K. Dick.


That can be said of most decisive battles. The genius is the commander that recognizes it.

Check out Gaugamela:

Darius ordered his left wing cavalry to encircle the Macedonian right and stop their rightward movement. This was countered by Alexander’s Greek mercenary cavalry. As more Persian cavalry tried to encircle the Macedonian right flank, Alexander committed his last cavalry reserves to charge the point where the main Persian line joined the flanking cavalry. This caused a gap in the Persian line. Alexander turned his line and charged this gap with a wedge consisting of the Companion cavalry and the Hypaspists. The pursuing Persian cavalry was pinned down by peltists hidden behind Alexander’s cavalry. It then advanced directly at Darius himself.

No one can bite your head off…

I knew that was comming up!