Your favorite American warship of WWII

wat is your favorite warship and why?

Given you posted this in the American military section, I assume you meant my favorite American warship. If that’s the case, my vote goes to the battleship New Jersey. Even though she participated in far less action than many other ships, she was the state-of-the-art the flagship of Admiral Halsey. I can just picture the shiney battleship in all its glory while giving chase to Admiral Ozawa’s fleet north of the Philippines.

Of course, I’m also biased in that I’ve visited the USS New Jersey :slight_smile: Quite an amazing ship to be in.

That’s a link of pics I took at the USS New Jersey museum.

hmm thanx for pointing that out for me

mines is the USS Missouri…for sum unknown reason i like this battleship, yet strangly i dont know why :?

American wise- I agree in mine being the USS Missouri (BB-63)

The third USS Missouri (BB-63) (“Mighty Mo”) is a U.S. Navy battleship, notable as the final battleship to be built by the United States, the second-to-last in the world after HMS Vanguard, and the site of the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II.

yeah it was the last U.S. battleship that was still in action,decomissioned twice ,navy says it will be recomissioned if war should ever come.

USS Wahoo under the command of Commander Dudly “Mush” Morton. This charasmatic and deadly skipper and sub laid waste to Nipon shipping in daring and dastardly raids with glee.

for me, the USS Missouri BB63.
just a image of the BB 63 8)

Strange that so far the two battle ships named are of the same class (IOWA Class).

For me, my favourite battleship has to be the Bismarck. She had every thing she needed to fight and win, including a fearsome array of guns, an aircraft and a few other things.

Second place would go to HMS Vanguard, the last Royal Navy battleship, for her bad luck at missing all the wars and the way she refused to co-operate when being taken to the knackers yard.

Favorite American Battleship :wink:

No real favourite American battleship.

I don’t think they were as important during the war as the carriers.

Wonder if the IOWA class are better known than the others, after all they were in service until late in 1990s.

And of course were extensivly used during GW1.

My favorite is the USS Lexington, also referred to as the “Blue Ghost”. My uncle served 3 years on this ship during WWII. The Lexington has been decomissioned and is now a tourist destination in Texas that i plan on visiting some day.

In a comparison of all the battleships of all the big nations of WW2 they found that the Iowa class came up tops in all fields. The battleships was the King George V, Yamoto, Bismarck, Vittorio Veneto,Richelieu, South Dakota and the Missouri. The Missouri took first place and the South Dakota came in second and the Bismarck came in second last. So the US did have the best battleships indeed allthough I am a fan of the Bismarck I must give it to the US they can sure as hell build battleships. The Frech came in third with theire Richelieu.

The website I got this from is Go and check it out for yourselfs.


Do us a favour H_G, can you link to the exact page?

Also what exactly do they base this comparison on?

Sure, and you all can call me Henk. They base it on everything of a battleship. Take a look. here it is.


If Hitler wasnt such a coward at sea the story of the Bismarck and Tirpitz would have been very different. You NEVER send a heavy battleship out into the open sea without escort of at least some kind. If the Prince Eugen (heavy cruiser) wasnt sent away from the Bismarcks side the Bismarck would not have met its fate that day. The Tirpitz being sunk in harbor without firing a shot is an embarrassment and must be viewed as such.

If the Graf Zeppelin was not so delaid it could have helped the Bismarck, Tirpitz, Sharnorst, Gneshnua, Prinz Eugen and theire submarines and destroyers could have changed the tide of the batlle for the atlantic.

If the Bismarck only had better AA guns on that trip it could have made it. The Swordfish that dammaged the Bismarck’s rudders would not have had any luck on that fatal attack.


In actual fact the Swordfish was the perfect weapon to attack the Bismarck, although it was purely by luck and not design. The Swordfish flew so slowly that the AA guns of the Bismarck couldnt hit it. The AA guns were calibrated for assualts over 300+ mph, the Swordfish coming in against the wind was at less than 100 mph. The AA guns of the mighty battleship overlead the Swordfish so much it was impossible to make contact. The Bismarck would have been just as apt to hit the Swordfish with a salvo from the main guns as the AA guns.

Correct, The guns could also not fire below a certain height and thus the Swordfish could fly low and attack without being his. The main guns did fire on the attack of the Swordfish in a hope of hitting the planes. The was really the best weapon against the Bismarck.


Exactly what henk said, the swordfish that damaged the Bismark’s rudder flew below the height that AAA gun’s couldn’t reach the swordfish, the swordfish was low enough to have it’s wheels touch the water.