Your Favorite Fighter?

What is your favorite German fighter aircraft? I’d have to say that mine is the FW190 “Butcher Bird” because of its firepower AND coolness. I think the German aircraft look the most interesting out of all the planes that fought in WWII. Too bad so few exist to this day.

What is yours?

BF-109. The 190 is great, and can probably take more damage, but I just like the lines of the 109 a little better. The Heinkel He-111 is a very close second, and I still haven’t forgiven the CAF for crashing the last flying one in the world!

Hey guys, welcome to the forum! I am a 4 star general so you better go and floss my toes when I ask for it.

Seriously, welcome to the forum and hope we can start a fun and friendly community here.


i like FW-190 8)

Hi and welcome! Did you see the FW190 video in our movie gallery?

Also, check out this picture:

And, don’t forget that you can sign up for your special avatar by going to PROFILE and Avatar Gallery at the bottom. I believe there is also a luftwaffe pilot avatar there.

no i didnt, thanks for the remind, so just to debate, Mustang P-51D VS FW-190D, whos better?
actually where is the movie link? thanks again

Another thing about world war 2 plane is America is tring to convert the Me262 plane into Taxi, however, engines would be using US brand though
the pilot who is testing the new plane say its has very good handling

The movie link is at the bottom of our gallery page.

I’m sorry, but what do you mean by “taxi”? I get the impression your native language is not English, and something is lost in the translation. :slight_smile: I’m interested to know what you are talking about.

The Me-262 is a pretty bird. I have heard the original engines where very dangerous and often exploded.

“so just to debate, Mustang P-51D VS FW-190D, whos better?”

The 190! With it’s air cooled radial engine, it can take more battle damage.

The mustang has bad stall characteristics, and the cooling system made it vulnerable to any kind of fire from the ground or air. American pilots were facing much less skilled german pilots at the end of the war, so it’s no suprise they “won the skies.”

I know all the american pilots think the Mustang was the ultimate fighter, but then they never flew the english or german fighters! All the pilots I have talked to that have flown american, british and german fighters say the british ones handle the best.

sorry, my fault, the US navy is not using the Me262 for taxi :lol:
they just reproduce them to preserve history and for future study
and yeah, the original engine only have a couple of hours lifetime, according to this website
qoute from website
"The Me 262 might have changed the course of the war or lengthened it, if not for the fact that the useful life of the engines was measured in only a dozen or so hours. Compare that to today’s engines which run for tens of thousands of hours and continue to be reliable. "

Interesting info for the FW-190D-9 is they are design to take down bombers and to protect the Me-262 during their takeoff, since Me-262 would take a long time to take off, which makes them vulnerable because of their poor acceleration

I think the D-series 190 was Water cooled .

I am a big fan of all the aircraft with a few favourites one of which has to be the Bristol Beaufighter :slight_smile: but I also like the A-series 190 and the E-series 109

I have read that pilots who have flown planes from all nations found the Russian planes to be the nicest.

Id have to go with the FW-109 , it was impressive, with quite a big armament.

Me-262. Who can victorious thith fighter? Galland said:Mass application of fighters Me -262 could break a course of air war even during its late period. The fighter easy broke through defensive orders and forced down bombers

Germany somehow could not manage to mass produce the Me-262. If they did, they would almost certainly change the course of the war.

We might be getting a bit off topic here. But…

I heard that the Germans did make quite a few Me-262’s (many of which we captured or destroyed on the ground) but didnt have enough experienced pilots to fly them. The rookies that flew the majority of them just came out about even with the experienced US and British pilots. The Me-262 alone I dont think could have saved the Third Reich by itself even if it did have more pilots and planes. They would also need to mass produce some effective bombers as well. Just my opinion.

We might be getting a bit off topic here. But…

I heard that the Germans did make quite a few Me-262’s (many of which we captured or destroyed on the ground) but didnt have enough experienced pilots to fly them. The rookies that flew the majority of them just came out about even with the experienced US and British pilots. The Me-262 alone I dont think could have saved the Third Reich by itself even if it did have more pilots and planes. They would also need to mass produce some effective bombers as well. Just my opinion.[/quote]
maybe copy the japanese way and use it as suicide mission?
the rookie pilot are going to shoot down by allied experience pilot anyways, just used them to crash on bombers, planes or tanks
1.) it can prevent planes to be shoot on ground, since most of the planes already used on sucide mission
2.) it can terrorize allied troops
3.) make planes look awfully like the allied ones, so that allied soldiers have diffucult time to find out whether it is allied planes or axis planes, germany dont need to be worry about that since most planes are sent to die anyways

Suicide? I dont think that the Germans where that courages (crazy) than the Japanese. The Japanese thought that if they did it they were going to be awarded in the next life, and so it was an honor to do this. The Germans did not think of any of this.

About the make planes look like Allied planes, well it might work if the Allied planes where flying into enemy terriotory. But the British had many radar posts, and there was a comment erlier that said they had their own indetification that would tell that they are Allied. So it wont work to great.

The Germans took alot of their pilots for the ME-262 out of the Chilrdrens army or something like that. So they where very young and inexperienced. So I guess, in a way, it would be good to make them do suicide missions, cause they where sure to be shot down sooner or later.

Certainly in 1945 and in second half 1944 mass production Ìå 262 any more would not help Germany. But if factories of Germany could let out planned 1000 planes in a month since spring of 1944 the superiority of allies in air could be undermined. In first half of 1944 Germany still had reserves of pilots. Though all the same it would lose for war