
If you live in Australia you should know this! There are many phenomenon in the world. Here down under there is a legend about a Hairy Ape like man. The aboriginals had told various stories about them. If you think they are a hoax watch this video.


I live in The Blue Mountains, West of Sydney. The Blue Mountains is the only world heritage site where people live. The whole area is bushland. In one of the towns (Katoomba) A short snap of film was caught. Watch it!

Will you believe in them? I do.

Also…Read the comments. Many are interesting. Especially #13! I do not think it is a hoax. Believe what you want to believe.

Every region seems to have his own bigfoot

in australia there are well known stories about these fariouse creature i personaly am i big believer of them you may not be but just watch the video hon hiddenrug attachment and then u will see

But it does say the producer of this video worked on Star Wars Ep.3. Maybe he got a friend to dress up in a wookie suit.
Chewbucca Down under

yea it does look extremley like him dosnt it i think you might be right is master yoda in it has well

Nah only Chewie. But it runs through the bush quikely. sure caan run in the dark!!

na mate i think just blind cause if i rember correctly u are a bit colour blind so yea

I believe if you call up medical conditions which i don’t have im will have to report you sonny! nah just kidding, just don’t push it.

Hi Hiddenrug and war heroes,

Do you believe in “black panther”? It is also somewhere in your area.

I live close to Campbelltown and thanks god, the only animals here roaming at night are some dickheads in their Toranas burning tyres.



LOL I live in The Blue Mountains. Very close to Campbelltown. Yes the Black Panther mystery has hung around my region since I can remember. I personally think it’s a Feral cat.

Your thoughts.

Hi mate, LOL

I have many friends in your area and I love to spend winter weekends there.
Nice lodge, burning logs, trip to Jenolan Caves… lunch in Katoomba. Yeah!

Tonight we had a visit of couple from Detroit which my wife “met” on the net a year ago. Lovely people!

Maybe we should think about meeting of “WWII in Color” Australian members in Katoomba? Or any place of your choice?




I just read Hiddenrug and war heroes… exchange in “games” - I’m sorry as I’m not much now into games, I don’t follow some topics.
And every now and than I see some heated arguments…

Obviously my ideas about meeting seems silly now.
But … who knows? We may talk about it.


Yes we may. War heroes loves to play games. ( i think he gets his information from them ) I have sourced alot of my information from the internet, Digger history book and a very large WWII book which I picked up from a book store in Penrith.

LOL. I Saw his post about the nazi campaign and i thought it would be interesting to see a video game from the German P.O.V.
When he started to insult people and the Germans it got heated. Being half German I do believe they deserve to be treated like normal people.

I’m Polish but I think the same. Being from mixed German - Polish area I had many German friends and many times talked to their grandpas or fathers which served in the Wehrmacht. Very nice people they were.

what ever tom you play more games then i do and by the way were are you geting this information about me insuliting germans i sead nothing like that all i said is that it is a bit hard for them to make a game about them.

and yes lancer44 it would be a great idea if we meet up in katoomba consedering i know hiddenrug in real life and is one of my best friends and know his goin behind my back so maybe you should fine some where else better to do it tom then in public where a blind person could fined is way through hear.

tom you make up so many lies about being half german. you at school used to tease the germans and some one else as well about being german which i can admit i did so to and i aplogize but still if you where half german you wouldnt of done that and now your going on about me teasing germans on the internet which i clearly did not do so and and how much you think there normal people acting as if you never did such a thing this is the first time i have ever heard about you being half german sept for the times at school (like twice) and you say your half irish as well. well were the hell is you australian or english as such ayy im not teasing you i just wanna no. and stop acusing me of teasing them when you have done as much as i have

I will not even bother trying to argue with you. Maybe you should pay attention more to what you say. From the sound of things, your trying to start a bitch fight ( no offense). I have mentioned plenty of times that My heritage is Irish and German, is it a crime to come from this heritage, Maybe you could tell me.

Also use paragraphs and full stops. You seem to have very long sentences.

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