Yugoslav partisans Dornier 17 - Other Forces | Gallery

Yugoslav partisans Dornier 17

Yugoslav partisans surrounding a former Croat Air Force’s Dornier Do-17E, serial number 0313, delivered by Croat defectors on 13 November 1943, near Livno, today a Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s town. The aircraft was embedded in Yugoslav Partisan Air Force, the air component, born on 1942, with two planes delivered by Croat defectors, of People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia (NOV i POЈ), the Communist-led revolutionary and resistance movement in Yugoslavia during World War II. The life of this Do-17E, in the photo with the Yugoslav Partisans insignias, note the red star on the fin, was brief. On 27 November 1943 was destroyed by a Luftwaffe’s raid. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/other-forces/43765/yugoslav-partisans-dornier-17

The plane shared the fate of many planes captured by the Partisans in the earlier period of the war. Being knocked out soon by the enemy air forces.