Zacarias Moussaoui is guilty!

Welcome to the forum! This should go into the off-topic section.

Off course , this is not the place. :roll:

Problem solved.

I think we can guess what you think about the defendant, do you have any other good ideas for impartial thread titles ?

Not having had access to the court transcripts I can only judge from what I’ve read in the press, and to be honest I find Trial by Tabloid to be a lower form of ‘justice’ than summary execution by decree- at least the latter dosn’t try to hide behind a veneer of impartiality.

On another matter, why have you hidden a spam address in your post ?
Too chicken to be up front with things ?

Do one you grasping cnut and send your annoying spam attempt to the relevant sites.

Thread locked.

Post deleted … user banned. Thank you Cuts for bringing this to our attention. We appreciate the help!

Its not locked

It was reopened.

Roger That :lol: