20 years since Challenger, 3 since columbia: The shuttle?

that doesnt seems like space program

that doesnt seems like space program[/quote]

Neither did your post – it sounded like a bad acid trip at a science fiction Convention…

I think you have to ask yourself a couple of questions:

  1. Why do they come to the US?

  2. Who is employing them in the US?

I think the answer is pretty obvious and solve those 2 problems and you are on the way to solving illegal immigration.

Then again, why stop them at all? What threat are they to the US? Are they doing the jobs no-one else want to?

Man of Stoat wrote:

FW-190 Pilot wrote:

[quote]1000ydstare wrote:

[quote]In a very generalised broad brush way. The Americans have a tendency to make rods for their own backs.

The Mexico/American border will never be completely sealed, except by the use of mines, barbed wire, machine gun nests and other measures better suited to the inner German border than the border of a modern democratic country. To think it could be is insane.

Work with Mexico on the other hand, to improve their lot and you will find the flow of people passing through the border. Leave the border as is, and spend the cash surplus gained from not adding to it improving Mexico.

that doesnt seems like space program [/quote]

Neither did your post – it sounded like a bad acid trip at a science fiction Convention…[/quote]


In all fairness FW-190 your idea of space travel is hard core Sci-Fi mate. Especially the following…

the shuttle would be made of metals and organic material, so its kind of a half life life machine shuttle

the shuttle will be feed off the energy by absorbing star dust and mineral in the process. It will land on a planet and turn itself into a robot.

Space exploration should be by unmanned sattelite, but the half life/half machine hybrid is Sci-Fi. What we have to do is figure out a way of protecting manned craft from the radiation and potential missile strike (as in metorites not missile missiles)

This is on topic because the question was asked…“What would be a better way to spend the space program money”.
My main reason to strengthen the border is to protect from Muslim terrorists coming across the border to kill the infidels, if a citizen from Mexican can slip across the border I would assume that a terrorist with plans of killing could also slip across…NO? YES they could.
Let’s cover the ILLEGAL Mexican immigrants a little. There overwhelming America, several MILLION a year come across our border and 1/2 MILLION stay permanently every year. Many Illegal’s are chronic drunk drivers and violent criminals who fill our prisons, there a load on our welfare dole, they fill our schools and hospital emergency rooms.
Like those British or french Muslims who place loyalty to Islam above loyalty to Britain or France, many Mexicans illegal or not, consider themselves Mexican’s not Americans and never learn to speak English. In a healthy country its people speak a common language…this is not happening here.
We are a nation of laws and we must enforce the laws, the only way to gain control of our border is to deploy military personnel and assist the border patrol.
If the Mexican government cared for its people and wasn’t corrupt we wouldn’t have this problem but like I said I’m more concerned about terrorists coming across the borders.

I think that the US govermant must spend more in Mexico and must thus electrify the border and plant mines, since they swiched off the electricaty on our border the buggers have been coming over like flies after shit, well the ones who get past the border fence still stand the change to get eaten by wild animals in the wild reserve. So the animals will not starv :lol: . Just a joke.

Well the US is not the only country who has problems wiht its problems and I think that if Bush is gone the Terrorest wil also stop and the shit in the world. Everything started when he came to power.


So much for a tribute to dead astronauts :shock:

Now that you got on that Twitch, they did not do enoughf to show that they are truly sorry about the dessater.


You really don’t have a clue do you? :shock:

I just think that bush has almost no clue to be president. But I don’t think that terrorism and terrorist will stop what they are doing if bush steps down. He is a dumbass.

You really don’t have a clue do you? :shock:[/quote]


Wow, I guess that Bush must have been in power in 1993 (first World Trade Centre bombing), and also in 2000 (USS Cole bombing). Come to think of it, he must’ve been in power for decades, given that Islamic terrorism has been going on since, like, forever.

Although I guess if you are 19, it is quite likely that your memory of current affairs does only stretch back five years, but I hope not…

Ok, wait now guys, you all got it all wrong. Bush made it worse not create it all. I think that if someone that knows how to rule a country the suttuation will calm down, the only way to stop it is to get rid of the basterds who is spreading this bull on killing other people and the other bull that they are spreading around.


I have no great love for Bush but to blame him for Islamic terrorism is a bit of a push. Now some of the puppet masters behind the back drop pulling the stings may be another matter.

This is on topic because the question was asked…“What would be a better way to spend the space program money”.
My main reason to strengthen the border is to protect from Muslim terrorists coming across the border to kill the infidels, if a citizen from Mexican can slip across the border I would assume that a terrorist with plans of killing could also slip across…NO? YES they could.
Let’s cover the ILLEGAL Mexican immigrants a little. There overwhelming America, several MILLION a year come across our border and 1/2 MILLION stay permanently every year. Many Illegal’s are chronic drunk drivers and violent criminals who fill our prisons, there a load on our welfare dole, they fill our schools and hospital emergency rooms.
Like those British or french Muslims who place loyalty to Islam above loyalty to Britain or France, many Mexicans illegal or not, consider themselves Mexican’s not Americans and never learn to speak English. In a healthy country its people speak a common language…this is not happening here.
We are a nation of laws and we must enforce the laws, the only way to gain control of our border is to deploy military personnel and assist the border patrol.
If the Mexican government cared for its people and wasn’t corrupt we wouldn’t have this problem but like I said I’m more concerned about terrorists coming across the borders.[/quote]

Mike if I wanted to enter the US the last place I would try would be via the south. To the north you have a very long border with even less people on it to cross. I have crossed that border with no passport with very little problem. That was back in 92 though. The anti terrorism excuse for increasing the border wall in the south is just a way of channelling monies to ay for the wall.

You also have a very good economy to the north that speaks two languages side by side and they are doing quite well. Does not Belgium have two national languages? And come to think about it that soggy place to the west, who were slaughtered on Saturday also have two (but only two men and a sheep speak both).

The question you should ask is why do you not have the same problem on the north border as you have on the south? Improving the Mexican economy will do your country far more good in the long run then building another Israeli wall across California. By improving the Mexican economy they will buy more goods from you, remove the need for them to come north to make money. It will destroy the home help market, but you must make sacrifices.

Question, what dole, do they get dole, and if you are illegal how do you apply?

Foot, Like I said. “My main reason to strengthen the border is to protect from Muslim terrorists coming across the border to kill the infidels, if a citizen from Mexican can slip across the border I would assume that a terrorist with plans of killing could also slip across.”

Back slightly to the thread,

I was watching something this weekend on Scott of the Antarctic. Another British heroic disaster. Sir Ranulph Fiennes was talking about the food Scott took with him. Working on the requirement for 6000 calories a day this equated to, I think, 2 pounds (about a Kg) in 1903. The requirement for the 6000 calories has not changes and Ranulph spoke of his search for his 1990 expedition for the same calorific value but with less weight. He approached NASA but after the moon landing and the advent of the shuttle they went from food in tubs to ice cream and proper meals as space was no longer a problem. As they put it “if the astronauts do not get their ice cream they go on strike”.

He them went to the US special forces but was told that after 10 days of their food the performance falls off, he needed a couple of months food.

The up shot of this was that in a hundred years we have not dropped the weight of the food by much.

I do not argue with your premise that if a Mexican could get through on a regular basis them terrorists will also.

But I see this argument as just a front for getting the money to build the wall. If this was truly the reason why not build one in the north were the border is more sparsely populated, patrolled, and longer.

I was asked what I would spend the money on if I could take it away from NASA. My answer was to enforce our borders with that money, I don’t understand why some have such a hard time with that. Prob. wouldnt need walls, the military and a/c drones COULD be all we need.
Anyway…back to the space program. Im thinking of building a 1/48 scale model of the saturn V , I love the looks of that rocket.


Airfix used to sell a couple of those models, the largest (1:144) was about 2’6" I think. They could be modelled so that all three stages were removable and came complete with a lunar module.
These may still be available somewhere on the net unless they’ve become collectors’ items.