20 years since Challenger, 3 since columbia: The shuttle?

Well what do you think it must be spend on?


HG, Your answering a question with a question. Your the one who has a problem how the U.S. is spending its money, I dont have a problem with part of MY taxes going towards the space program. Just curious…What would you spend the money on?

I am answering a qestion with a qestion to find out what do you think that money can be spend on in the world except for space. Why the world and not in the US. Well if you have a govermant who thinks it can say anything in the world and do what ever they want then they can also do the same with their money in the world, if you want to have say you must do something.

Do you know how many countries can do with aid, not money, but aid like in how to do certan things and for that you need money.

Well mate I do not have a problem with the US people but your arrigant govermant. Well my govermant are a bunch of assholes that are corrupt and also does not have thoe money to spend money on space but our universitys have developed great space technolagy.

So think about it.


Mike do you know anything from South Africa, do you even know where it is or how well its economy is? I still think that space is just a waste of money and that the money can go things in the world that is more needed or to the country who explores space.

I have no problem with the ISS or satiliets, but probing planets or going to the moon is just a waste of time and money.

From these two statements I see where your coming from now and I think I understand your anger towards the U.S. I was lucky…I was born in a country where we have a good economy and for the most part politicians are kept in check, if not they go to jail. Here IF people are willing to work hard they can have a decent life.
I also think People who sit back and wait for the government to make there life better rather than taking the bull by the horns and working hard to better there lives are lazy and that type of person doesn’t get my sympathy.
If I could I would take all the money the U.S. and other nations spend on its military and I would spend it on a cure for cancer and some other horrible diseases in the world but that will never happen.

You also said “OR the country that explores space”

The U.S. is exploring space so i dont understand that part.

I agree. Now most poor people in South Africa does that what you said above and it also makes me mad as hell and the curapsion is realy bad and the spending on ruling partys partys and personel things is just stagering and vhanging of historical places just to refenge apartheid but was astablished long before apartheid was even invented.

I meant that nations rather spend money on space rather than other things.

South African democratic govermant is not so democratic if you take a close look at it, but I love my country and not my govermant and I love where I come from.

So, do you understand where I come from now. The money is just given to people who just use it for their own wealth and not for the well being of others. So that is why I say they must send peple who can show them how to use it properly and rule a country proper.

So I like the ISS and satelites but the other things like a moon base or a man on mars is a bit overboard for me.


Here’s my quick take on this without taking sides. When I was a kid the goal was going to the moon and having a permanent base there. By like 1985 a manned Mars landing was projected. Well they dicked around and pissed away money on all sorts of junk and never reached any goal except the original moon landing.

The shuttle is a dog. It lands dead stick like a flying brick and they’ve hardly done anything with it in relative terms considering the potential it does have. It’s not a truly flexible vehicle except in the narrowest of parameters.

There is no direction to the space program in the sense of the shuttle. What are they doing? We’re getting more bang for the buck with relatively inexpensive deep space vehicles landing on asteroids sampling comets and looking closely at the outer bodies of the solar system.

The shuttle is old turd technology and they know they need a REAL “take off from the ground, go into space, re-enter and land under power” vehicle.

The way NASA has boondoggled with a rudderless program they could have used the money on ANY other freakin thing and seen more return for it. NASA is like every governtment burocracy- bloated with high dollar heads of departments and smothering in red tape. The weight of NASA’s body is simply out of proportion for what they ultimately produce.

I believe in space exploration but not like this. The space station and much of what the shuttle does could be accomplished cheaper by oldtimey Atlas rockets and less sophisticated (expensive) vehicles.

So when and what is the replacement for the shuttle? Are they gonna dick around with the creaky shuttle fleet for another 20 years?

I think space exploration is a good thing, BUT NOW…I think I would like to see all the money that is spent on the shuttle program spent on protecting america’s borders with Canada and mexico. That I think would be a good place to start with spending the money.

Canada? Why, do you want to stop people getting out?

I know there is a bit of ruffled feathers and posturing from both sides over in North America, but I hardly see the need to beef up security on the Canada/USA border.

My first queastion is…Have you ever seen the border? If I remember correct, the shoe bomber was caught coming from the canadian side and a car full of explosives was caught trying to come thru Canada and make his way to Los Angeles Int. Airport. So YES these wacos are trying to come for us infidels (nonbelivers) thru Canada. I was asked what to spend the Space shuttle money on, like I said, improve security here at home…whats wrong with that?

Firefly wrote." Why, do you want to stop people getting out?" :lol: LOL thats a good one. People are free to leave here whenever they want.

Nope, he was caught while airbourne trying to set light to his shoe. The guy you’re probably thinking of is Jose Padilla (IIRC anyway).

Surely such threats should be countered by the world comeing together to prevent such things. Rather than a single country chucking up the shutters.

I agree, the world together should pull together to stop such events and I dont mean to stop people from comeing to visit the states, I just want them to screen better and have them sign the guest book so to say. Im also concerned about the remote portions of our borders.
Your right about the shoe bomber…it was the car full of explosives I was thinking about that got cought at the border.
Im also curious how the worlds leaders would handle our border with mexico? Any ideas?

the space program is on the wrong step now
future space exploration should be using small space shuttle with no man first

the shuttle would be made of metals and organic material, so its kind of a half life life machine shuttle

the shuttle will be feed off the energy by absorbing star dust and mineral in the process. It will land on a planet and turn itself into a robot. it will used local material in the planet to reproduce itself and starts a community full of those robots collecting resources and building structure to prepare for human landing

Is it legal to smoke that stuff in Vancouver ?

Is it legal to smoke that stuff in Vancouver ?

A thorough scientific fisking is not required – whatever he is smoking, I want some!

I’m hardly a leader, but to be honest I don’t think there’s a great deal you can actually do. It’s a hell of a big border and the economic incentives to make it to the US are very strong indeed. You may be better off trying to dry the problem up at source by supporting development in Mexico (preferably the south of the country ;)) to reduce the strength of the pull factors.

Is it legal to smoke that stuff in Vancouver ?

A thorough scientific fisking is not required – whatever he is smoking, I want some![/quote]
i think i should say it clear first, its totally not my idea
i read that idea from some scientists (a book about time travelling, the fourth demension, einstein’s theory and space travelling)

and yes, they are currently moving to make it legal, the government even fund a room for that purpose, and its perfectly legal to do stuff like that in the room.

In a very generalised broad brush way. The Americans have a tendency to make rods for their own backs.

The Mexico/American border will never be completely sealed, except by the use of mines, barbed wire, machine gun nests and other measures better suited to the inner German border than the border of a modern democratic country. To think it could be is insane.

Work with Mexico on the other hand, to improve their lot and you will find the flow of people passing through the border. Leave the border as is, and spend the cash surplus gained from not adding to it improving Mexico.