Hetzer? Some small Middle East country?

50% correct my friend.

Hetzer, Argentina?

Again 50%, unless Argentina had them in the 70s, provide a link though…

If it’s the Hetzer then the users will be the Swiss (who used Czech-built examples).
If you’re looking for a random country using what was once quite high-tech kit well past it’s sell by date then the Swiss are always a likely candidate :wink:

If it’s the Hetzer then the users will be the Swiss (who used Czech-built examples).
If you’re looking for a random country using what was once quite high-tech kit well past it’s sell by date then the Swiss are always a likely candidate ;)[/quote]

Bannana and award to PDF, indeed the G-13 was used by the Swiss until the 70’s.

You usual difficult question next matey…

Was going to start working through the 'A’s in my Ladybird World Atlas :wink:

Didn’t have any link, for some reason WW2 kit and Argentina clicked in my mind, I blame Erwin posting those Shermans on his thread.

Righty, off to go and search out some awkward images. Shame you can’t find any decent photos of the Rolls-Royce Crecy…

Quiz should be up in 10 minutes or so.

Quite a hard one, so to point you all in the right direction this was a Soviet aircraft. If there aren’t any correct guesses by lunchtime tomorrow I’ll post a second hint.

How is this related to WWII :?:[/quote]
STALIN was soviet,he was communist,he was at the urss side,the urss fought in the world war 2,the americans did not like the communists.

any tip?,that’s why it is relationated to ww2[/quote]

That’s like saying a question about Mirror Group Newspapers is relevant to WWII because its deceased former owner won an MC then :roll:

The question is not asked in the spirit of the quiz, or the site.

Petlyakov Pe8.

Easy :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t have any link, for some reason WW2 kit and Argentina clicked in my mind, I blame Erwin posting those Shermans on his thread.

argentine tanks during ww2years.


Dammit, and I thought I was being obscure :frowning:
Next question please…

Easy one here, as I haven’t had time to think up something more testing:

What was 617 Squadrun RAF’s mission on the night before D-Day?

Pretending to be a convoy heading for the Pas de Calais to fool German radar? From memory there was a squadron of Stirlings doing the same job that night too.

I go with the above, they circled around ove the Pas De Calais dropping window. Moving slowly forwards at convoy speed?

They had to fly a very precise racetrack path, gradually advancing towards the coast in order for the Window to look like the invasion fleet.

So Topor, name the next quiz poster ( :smiley: )

pdf27 was first, so the “honour” goes to him :wink:

Kind of busy right now, so an easy one. What is the motto of 617 squadron, and who is the statement originally attributed to.