:lol: :lol: :lol:

Which US Army General was first choice to be commander of American forces in Europe?[/quote]

My guess

Marshall, of “Marshall Plan” fame. Don’t remember the first name since I didn’t Google this or anything, but instead of taking the job Eisenhower took, he was Chief of Staff back in DC.

Am I close?

I would go with that, there was some talk of Ike and Marshall swapping jobs, Ike wasnt too happy about overseeing his former boss though and Marshall thought he should stay put.

Neither Marshall nor Eisenhower!

Clue: His name is very well known (but rather in other context than expected).

Not MacArthur?

Not over rated Omar Bradley, of Huertgen Forrest fame is it?

Unfortunately not… :shock:

As Tiger said before! :smiley:

I will let my quiz here for another aprox. 24 hours. Tomorrow at 22.30 GMT I will let you know the answer in case that nobody could find anything.

Lt. Gen. Frank Maxwell Andrews - and the context is “Andrews Air Force Base” !!!

Quoted from http://www.dcmilitary.com/baseguides/airforce/andrews/aafb_namesake.html:

At the Casablanca Conference in January 1943, Allied Forces leaders determined time had come to establish a separate European Theater of Operations. General Marshall proposed that General Andrews command it. In February 1943, General Andrews assumed command U.S. Forces in the European Theater of Operations. A few months later, he died in an aircraft accident off the coast of Iceland on May 3, 1943. General Marshall delivered the eulogy at a memorial service in Washington, saying that Frank Andrews was one of the Army’s few great captains.
On March 31, 1945, Mrs. Jeanette “Johnny” Andrews visited Camp Springs Army Air Field, Md., for the dedication ceremony to rename the installation Andrews Field in honor of her late husband. When the Air Force finally became a separate service on Sept. 18, 1947, as General Andrews had so long advocated for, the base was assumed the designation–Andrews Air Force Base.
End quote. My emboldment.

So anyone can add a quiz!

Well done Dani, that was a good one.

Thanks mate! You could add a quiz if you have one!

Can I? This is easy. " I do not believe in communism, anymore than you do. But ther is nothing wrong with the communist in this country; several of the best friends I have got are communist."

Who said the above quote?


How is this related to WWII :?:

How is this related to WWII :?:[/quote]
STALIN was soviet,he was communist,he was at the urss side,the urss fought in the world war 2,the americans did not like the communists.

any tip?,that’s why it is relationated to ww2

I agree with Firefly…Roosevelt?

Yes indeed. I think Roosevelt was prez. during WW2. And an allie of Uncle Joe. It pertains. Thanks.

Well I agree with Roosevelt, nothing wrong with communists in a democratic society, thats what democracy is all about after all.

OK, an easy question.

What was the smallest German AFV to field the 75mm gun and what nation used it right into the 1970s.

Pzkpw IV and Syria?

bdl, NO.