Been to see the Crowman and Wurzel’s got his thinkig head again.

Slightly off period* but influenced events that echo to this day.

What was Airman Ross’ last steed ?

  • FOGB hint here

If the Airman Ross in question was TE laurence then would it be a Brough Superior

Got it in one LargeBrew !

Righty oh

Thursday and wednesday are linked by which Kid



I’ll tap those two answers into the computer…computer says no

Just to help things along here’s a clue US actor/WW2 veteran.

Audie Murphy

Topor, no this guy served in south east Asia.

Pappy Boyington

General Sandworm, no
more clues

Wednesday and Thursday are’nt days of the week one of them was an Op.
This THING is’nt difficult if you knew what IT was than you would LURCH towards this mans most famous tv role.

Jackie Coogan.

Flew a glider carrying Wingate’s Chindits into Burma during Op Thursday.

Topor, correct Jackie Coogan started his acting career in the 1920’s as the Kid in the Charlie Caplin movie of the same name but is most remembered as Uncle Fester( Wednesday was his niece) in the Addams family.

Given the Operational environment and the job he did he clearly had bigger ball’s than John Wayne.

Who & what was Rebecca’s partner?

Go on give us a clue then

SOE :wink:

Name the staff officer principally responsible for the disastrous, Jock column, flying columns, and defended BOX, tactics that caused the 8th army to be beaten soundly twice - despite superiority in equipment, both times.

Stemmed from the perceived neccessity of using 25pders for A/T protection of infantry, from 1941 on, and German all-arms coordinated tactics, esp A/T arty and tanks.

Which Commonwealth Division’s refused to be split up in this way? (max of 4) and which one of these division’s performance in the July/August 1942 especially their proper artillery support stunned the Germans, as they hadn’t copped it for a long time. the period known to some as ‘first alamein’ which rather dignifies it too much IMO.

Within a few days the German’s knew that ‘they’ were back.

Lord Haw-Haw etc.

Hint for 1. he was fired when Monty turned up, I don’t think he worked again, thank God.

  1. think the actual Battle of El Alamein in November and the heavy, culminatory, crumble fighting in the North - by an infantry division - against panzers and panzergrenadiers.


Timbo, Topor is in the chair and the person that correctly guess’s his question gets to set the next one. If you go back a few pages on this thread you will get the gist.
By the way have you got any idea as to the answer to Topors question as I am still scratching head and murmuring WTF.

GEE? (assuming you’re talking about the nav. aid)

Close but no banana :wink: