Close but no banana :wink:[/quote]

Didnā€™t want to win your stupid quiz anyway

goes into the corner to sulk

Ook :!: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Brilliant system - beat seven colours out of Decca (codename ELSAN)

Another clue:

Archimedes 8)

As in what Archimedes exclaimed when he made an important discovery.
Cā€™mon you lot, it canā€™t get much easier :wink:

The Eureka / Rebecca / BABS / Lucero radio location beacon system?

'tis indeed Rebecca-Eureka :slight_smile:

BABS etc. were variations/improvements on the system.

Took yer long enough :stuck_out_tongue:

I didnā€™t have the foggiest about it until your last clue.

Iā€™ll think up a question and post it soon. Iā€™ll be away from Tues lunch until Friday. Is there anyone who will volunteer to keep an eye on the answers for me?



3 questions about the WW2 tank in the picture above, in ascending order of difficulty:

a. What country made it?
b. What was it called (model name will do, unless youā€™re a real ninja smartarrse :smiley: )
c. What was this particular variant designed to do?

Kind regards


I havenā€™t got a clue mate, PM me the answer if you want and Iā€™ll watch it

Thanks BDL.

PM to follow.


a) Australian

b)Sentinel (MkIV, I think)

c)It was fitted with two 25pdr guns to test the turret prior to fitting the 17pdr gun that they didnā€™t yet have.

This particular tank; E1 was subsequently fitted with the 17pdr.

Youā€™re right mate. According to FB - the Sentinal was cancelled before the 17pdr version was ever used in anger.

OK, easy one (so I can pass on responsibility :stuck_out_tongue: ).

In which type of aircraft did the RAFā€™s highest scoring fighter pilot gain the majority of his victories?

he did well on Gladiators before that, too.

I know heā€™s NOT the RAFā€™s official highest scorer, Johnnie Johnson is IIRC.

But Pattle is reliably known to have shot down a lot of aircraft in Greece.

Pattleā€™s the pilot that Iā€™m referring to.

Which aircraft though?

15 in the Gladiator, 9 confirmed and roughly 25 unoffical in the Hurricane (probably confirmed at the time, but the squadron records were lost in the fall of Greece).

Same figures as I have.

Your turn

so Do I get to ask a question now?

You have to get the previous question right first mate