The Blücher?[/quote]
yes,you´re right

What is the vehicle and what is the weapon?

Bren Carrier/Universal Carrier

Some kind of Land Mattress for getting rid of mines?

AFAIK, you are right! I wouldn’t want to be the poor fatherless who has to cock all the PIATs :shock: :?
I tried it once with one, but didn’t succeed (I almost broke my back, but there was probably a trick with it, which was not in the books about this weapon)


I’ve got my dad( 73yr vintage ex BSM RA) on my shoulder at the moment ( he’s stopping over after a night on the lash) and he agrees, He would rather cock a spaniel than cock a Piat ( still laughing at his own joke) and followed with, if God had meant him to cock Piats he would’nt have given him all those loverly 25 pounders. As he says it depends on weather you want to bother your target or bollock’s it ( he is old and a disturbed odd ball but seems to know what he is talking about) .

walther gets it for piat. as for its use i have no idea.

Its the Ghetto American-British version of the Katusha.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyhow Walter your question?

Well if Walter isnt going to post a question then I will and keep this going. Sorry to step on your toes Walter if you are debating the question.

On January 20th 1942… 15 Nazi officials met on the outskirts of Berlin and the outcome of this conference was implemetation of the “Final Solution.” What was the name of the Conference? Hint: Is also the name of the area.

That would be the Wannsee Conference a major element of Robert Harris’ book Fatherland and an excellent but chilling BBC drama (well worth watching).

My question (because I can’t think of anything better at this time of night and half-cut): Name the regiment that the actor David Niven recommisioned into at the outbreak of war. It’s not the HLI.

The Rifle Brigade, I believe… Wasn’t he in the HLI previously but resigned his commission to go to Hollywood?

Did’nt I see that picture on Pimp my Bren Gun Carrier

Moving on, moving on, was Tubbyboy right?

Yes. On both counts. He also later joined the Commandos as a recce squadron commander.

Sorry, I wasn’t around this weekend. My “Walther Mitty” living history group got hired as extras for a movie production (The story (what I picked up from the film people, I didn’t read the script, I only did as I was told) is something about a group of Hitler Youths being observed at home, in school, and later close to the end of WW2 they get ordered by a pompous Waffen-SS Unterscharführer to defend a bridge over a canal at Osnabrück. The officer withdraws his regular troops after letting them wiring the bridge fort demolition, leaving 4 teenage boys armed with submachine guns to take on the British army. When the boys notice the British soldiers approaching, they get into an argument, one wants to cut the firing wires and is then shot by one of the others as a traitor. We were depicting a section of British army cautiously approaching the bridge, expecting resistance, but only finding the demolition charges and a dead Hitler Youth. It was interesting work, but due to the heat a bit demanding (wearing the old woolen uniforms plus all the equipment).


Cool, my question is:

Which Italian army officer was known as “The Butcher”?

Cool, my question is:

Which Italian army officer was known as “The Butcher”?[/quote]
i don´t have idea :? .

Think North Africa.

I can’t remember the name, but wasn’t he responsible for slaughtering Ethopian tribesmen armed with spears and muzzle loaders with poison gas as well?


Getting there Jan, the slaughter was not in Ethiopia, but he was CinC there at a later date.

Eritrea and Abyssinia wasn’t, a Count something? I think he had some Aristocrat title.
