You are correct sir. (I was looking for “Hobo”)

Your turn :slight_smile:

They Called Him ‘Hobo’
The Little-Known Story of Percy Hobart

Nee boet what I meant it was not as successfull as the Allies hoped it whould be. They hoped to get the German secret service to take notice of it, but the agent in Spain did not make a move.

I only meant that it was not as successfull as it was hoped. The book does not take side that is why I bought it, because of that. I do not buy a book that take sides when it comes to history because you must wright out of both point of views and not just from the one side.

Sorry for being off topic.


USS Nevada was sunk by a combination of torpedoes & gunfire after OP BAKER(I think that was the nuke test code).

Too contaminated to go for scrap.

What was the heaviest bomb carried by operational, twin engined RAF bombers in WWII & which aircraft carried it?

You are correct.

The heavyest bomb ever carried by a RAF aircraft was the 9.9 tonne / 22000 lb and the 6 tonne Tallboys that was used in the attack on the Tirpitz and also sunk it.

I just thought it would be interesting to know.


Stab in the dark - 4,000lb “Cookie” carried by the Mosquito?

Thank you, but read my post again. I did not say it was the answer to the qestion.


Festamus takes the biscuit :wink:

Your turn matey

Festamus takes the biscuit :wink:

Your turn matey[/quote]

He hasnt answered in about 8 days. :? Is it okay if I post a question?

OK by me.

Slight correction, the Heaviest was the Grand Slam, see here:


Sweet! Alright heres my question!

Name the German general that commanded the 6th army which surrendered to the Russians at Stalingrad in February 1943?

Get double points if you can name the general and the panzer army that was fighting in support of that area. :wink:

1-Von Paulus.
2- Fighting inside the encirclement was the 24ª Pz Dv, outside the encirclement the 17 Pz Div make an effort to make a hole in the russian attack to help the sieged germans, I think that it was comanded by Frido von Senger und Etterling

First one is right. Second one, not saying its wrong, but im looking for a different answer. 8)

Well, I also have my doubts about that, maybe you mean Von Manstein.

Keyword here is Panzer Army. So who commanded it and what army was it? 8)

Sorry about my not answering in days. Been rather busy with work and forgot to check back! :slight_smile:

feels guilty for holding up progress

  1. Von Paulus
  2. 4 Panzerarme, general Hollidt

Close enough. Von Paulus is correct and 4th panzer army is also correct. However the 4th panzer army was commanded by General Hoth…but its all good. Your turn Grishnak.

Ok, something easy for my first try then:
Which allied aircraft was called “Whispering death” by the japanese?