
Why was Georges Guingouin a significant WW2 figure?

For his part in the french ressistance?

“First man of the Resistance”.
Exactly. Over to you, Tsolias.

Now an easy one.
Who might that be?


Sorry i thought it was easy.
Here’s a bit about him:

Born in Solingen, Germany on 19th March, 1906. When he was a child the family moved to Linz in Austria where his father became head of the city’s streetcar company. At school he was bullied by the other children and accused of being Jewish.

He attended the Linz Higher Institute for Electro-Technical Studies before finding work as a salesman for a electrical firm. He began to take an interest in politics and in April, 1932 joined the Austrian Nazi Party.

Adolf Eichmann. (I know that Erwin could very easily answer to this :smiley: )

And that’s Heydrich:

Sorry Tsolias :oops: :oops:

Correct Dani!
They have the same nose!

Over to you!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Eichmann’s face was very well known to me but I don’t remeber his name at the time!!

Now here’s mine:
Very well known, born in Austria in 1908, arrested by US on 15th of May, 1945, died in Spain (under Franco’s protection).

And it is a color picture!

Otto Skorzeny!

Fast, very fast!! :lol:
Good job Tsolias!

Thanks Dani.
Your not bad yourself!
Here’s my question:
Who was Germany’s only one-armed general in WWII?

General and not Feldmarschall ( :smiley: )??

A quick aside, but look at those two pictures again:

Is it me or aren’t their noses a little… well… er… Jewish ?


Well, the truth is out there… :lol:

Err… i think he was a general (at least he was in October 1943).

I have no clue!! :shock: :shock:

Ok I’ll help:
He was born in Naumburg, Germany, on 29th October, 1880. He joined the German Army and in 1910 was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. He served throughout the First World War and was seriously wounded and as a result lost his left arm.

Despite his disability, he remained in the army and in 1939 was promoted to colonel. He took part in the invasion of Poland where he was again seriously wounded. He returned to duty the following year and as commander of the 16th Motorized Division participated in the Western Offensive.

Promoted to major general he participated in Operation Barbarossa. A brave officer, he won the Knight’s Cross (August 1941), Oakleaves (January 1942) and Swords (December 1942). He was at Stalingrad and was one of the senior officers evacuated from the front on 28th January 1943, when it was clear the German Army would be defeated.

In March 1943 he was now given command of 14th Panzer Corps and soon afterwards was sent to Italy. In July General Erwin Rommel sent him to Sicily.
Germany’s only one-armed general in the Second World War, was placed in command of the 1st Panzer Army in October 1943. He was badly defeated by General Ivan Konev and the Red Army at Dniester in March 1944. Soon afterwards he clashed with General Erich von Manstein when he ordered him to stay north of the Carpathians. When Manstein was replaced by General Walther Model, he got his way and was able to retreat across the Dniester.

On 20th April 1944 Hube returned to Germany where Adolf Hitler personally awarded him the Diamonds. He was killed when his plane crashed while returning to the Eastern Front on 21st April 1944.


Generaloberst Hans-Valentin Hube

BTW You forgot to delete Hube on your post. :smiley:

So please another question :smiley: