Carrying a flag spread out across the rear decking?

I don’t know.

Nope, you were closer last time…

anti aircraft weapon/s ???

Nope, on a scale of 1 to close thats about Stanley for you.

Nope, on a scale of 1 to close thats about Stanley for you.[/quote]

Radio that could talk to aircraft?

Nah you were on the right track with your arial recognition panels.

Think I’ve got it - they stopped painting white crosses on the sides of their tanks because they made such good targets?

Remember reading it before, but I thought it had been done in the west, not Poland.

Applying Zimmerit paste to prevent magnetic hollow charges from sticking?


Give that man a small silver star of encouragement.

Yes they painted large white crosses on their tanks, unfortunately for them the Polish forces had just recently taken delivery of some pretty good AT weapons. After a few days they re-painted smaller white crosses and then changed to dull yellow.

Aim for the big white cross Stanislav, you cant miss…

Your up next I believe, its good when its ungoogleable init.

I think that was later on in the war wasn’t it Jan? From what I’ve read they only started doing that after about 1942 when the Ruskies started using mag mines against them?

Firefly - that was a very good one, well done 8)

What was the name of the German plan to destabilise the UK economy by flooding the country with counterfeit £5 notes?

(as a clue - it was named after the guy who set the op up)

The ‘von Vorger plan’ ?


Operation Bernhard?


Ah din’ tink sooo !


Ah din’ tink sooo !

I was going to put a funny answer to you, but they all either looked sarcy or weren’t funny :stuck_out_tongue: [/quote]

An outstanding pilot he was appointed Squadron Commander of Fighter Group 53 in 1944. Flying a ME 109 it is claimed he made 352 kills during the Second World War. In 30 months of fighting he flew 1,425 combat missions and was shot down sixteen times but was never wounded.
Who might that be?

Erich Hartmann.