A rash of new spammers

I think we need to consider a new policy of Admin approval for new accounts. The other board I mod does that now in response to spammers, and activity has dropped off to almost zero spam with drastically less work for the Webbies/Super Moderators…

I’m good with that, its a small inconvenience.

The spammers do seem a bit less active recently…

Not alot of it is landing in the forums,although there are times someone plants alot of crap all at once, but the bot incursions are still busy. Sometimes 10 or more at a time. Just a bit ago, I signed on, and found the entire who’s online page nothing but bots. and little old me. I have to wonder why they like this site so much, and does this same thing happen to other sites.

As I’m writing this I’m online with 21 spammers now…

I keep finding many of the bot types to be going to this Member’s profile page, not certain what its about, but they seem to visit it when they sign up. I’ve mentioned this one before, but it persists as a problem area. Can it be deleted ?

kanarmiwhirl his email addy is one of the “rutminecom” group, and the more part of the visitors are of the “mailnetbizonline” group.

Yeah, it definitely depends on the time. About an hour ago, no less than five spam ID’s were trying to start threads…

I’ve installed a new anti-spam tool. The way it works is that it shows a picture and asks the user a question about the picture during the registration. Let’s see if it works. :slight_smile:

My click finger thanks you.

Don’t thank me just yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems to have slowed activity so far…

Indeed. very few trying this morning.

I just permanently deleted two spam threads. One spammer registered October 4th and was missed, the other yesterday…

Fairly quiet tonight, only 5 banned ones on line. Canned one spam post. what ever you did Procyon, its working pretty well.

Ok, great to hear that. It means that the people who spam are actual people…nothing we can do there.

I’ve banned about four ID’s this morning, but all but one were previously registered prior to yesterday…

Looks good so far. Only 11 people registered yesterday. Before that it was always over 100 per day.

Was looking at who’s online, and saw someone looking at Navyson’s page. I looked as well, and see this. is he able to see the war room posts or is this because being staff, i can see it? Puzzling…


Easy to figure out…just log off and go to the page, but to save you the work…he can’t see the information because he doesn’t have the rights.

Silly me…