absolutely no topic at all

Could you be more mature? Could you post more seriously?

Why don’t we, as in the British, invade Argentina?

We end up with a massive holiday resort/army training ground I bet BA would be great for FIBUA.

Also Argentina would be reunited with the Falklands.

Win win.

The populace could all become waiters fo rthe resorts and target makers on the training areas.

We could also put all the world criminals there like a sort of world wide jail.

Any objections or points i may have missed?

BA would be rubbish for FIBUA as Margaret Thatcher personally nuked it flat in retaliation for the sinking of the invincible. Nobody knows this as there is aa global conspiracy to keep this secret from everybody, including the inhabitants.

You doubt my word? Have YOU been to BA? So how do you know?

Crab, you are so clever and better informed than everyone and have interviewed the man in the vulcan that dropped the bomb on BA. I’ve also seen the proof:

That is not a real picture.

Satans face would have appeared in the middle of the cloud if was.

Besides everyone knows that most of the Royal Navy is papier mache and plywood, since they were all sunk in 1982.

And any way London was destroyed in the 1990s, when Maradona fell off/broke a toilet seat in a hotel he was staying at, the resulting tidal wave destroyed Europe and the NATO/UN/IRC building.

Seen three years ago

But the explanation follows:


That should set the bugger off I fear.

Hey guys, where’s the rest of the Brit Thug Gang? If you’re going to start a thread to bash Argentina, why not have the whole [expletive deleted] club present? I think there are 2 or 3 of them not present. You guys are falling off. Get it together now.

Edit by Crab
Play nice

I take it your advocating your persecution policy again. Ive trawled through that link. What nonesense.

If your think the british are trully European, then you are misguided.

They are British.


feel free to discuss this

He was a volunteer - end of story.

I wonder if the account given can be truthfully described as impartial observation with no spin of any kind?

I agree with Man Of Stoat he said it all.

Im with you there. Anyway, cant US troops hand their notice in anymore?

Im with you there. Anyway, cant US troops hand their notice in anymore?[/quote]

Not in order to miss deployment on active service they can’t.

I think the guy has issues beyond those stated.
I also think some of his story is fabricated.

cowards and traitors shall be shot! Long live the Soviet Union!

Err, it’s dead already, and quite rightly so.

Although he knows he cannot escape from the army, I share a lot of points with him. We must know killing is the last fact to realize.

If the army feel fear for the suicide bombers, Try to stop them shooting their legs if they are running to you.
If you recognize a car-bomb, run away the car and order to the driver to go down with his hands up… not open fire with tanks and cannons, for the love of god…

We must learn a lot… a war is a horrible mistake, but if you are there, try to do the less mistakes you can.

I remember… in the Malvinas war, when the special forces of the both sides, “Argentine Comandos”, and “British Mountain and Artic War Cadre” fought in the Top Malo House Battle. In the middle of the battle an argentine is down, the firing is not finished, a british soldier go to the argentine man… he points her gun to him… The argentine comando conffesed later he thought that was his final, but the british kicked the argentine weapon and gave atention to him… “don’t worry, it’s the war!” told to the argentine while he put him in a secure place and returned the battle. That’s an example to imitate.

You’ve never been in an environment with suicide bombers, have you?

I understand that for alot of people the US Army or an army in the world is usually a good job for those who are trying to support a family or start a career. But IMO this is one of the reason’s we have history class. AND YOU SHOULD LISTEN. WAR = PEOPLE GETTING KILLED. Its doesnt give 2 fucks about who is right and who is wrong. If you join the armed forces dont be surprised if you have to go to war and its not a pretty site. Ya know I smoke…your not going to see me bitching when I get lung cancer…its god damn smoke. What the hell did you expect!!! To this guy I would say “Sorry…but evidently your a retard and have probably never listened to a veteren of war in your life. The Vietnam wall isnt just loaded with names of people that were in the war…its loaded with names of people who DIED in a pretty much meaningless cause. Also if you havent noticed the US is at war on a pretty constant basis so hey sorry you didnt like what you saw and were asked to do. Next time do a bit of research before you just up and do something like that. Coz your not forced to be in the army in the US. Maybe you should have picked another profession. :idea: Anyhow…hope you enjoy your stay in Canada.”