absolutely no topic at all

OK, Im on a roll now. This is nothing serious at all. You have probably mentioned him before at some stage.

Why do you think he acts they way he does?

I recently received a PM from him:

This post is a test for ironfist - please don’t respond to it: http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=31226#31226

And yeah, OK, some M14s have bipods

Why does he not just correct the guy? Why does he have to play some silly, I’m superior to you game? I’m sure Irnfist isnt being deliberate. I think MOS is paranoid that everyone is Irnman.

I also received this a while back and saved it for future use as it shows a pattern. This is from the time that he went out and dressed up as a German with an FN rifle just to try and make a fool of Hosenfield, when I twigged what he was doing he sent me this:

don’t give the fucking game away, mong… Hosenfield had fallen for it & you’;ve spoiled it!

I wonder what makes him do these things. I dont think its a serious problem, just thought my fellow Mods would like to be aware.

I have sent Ironfist a polite PM, to be aware that MOS is fishing.

Hope you guys dont think Im over the top at this Modding game, I just hate unfairness and very subtle trawling.

For sure. Should we also post pictures from Auschwitz, Dachau or Matthausen? I’m afraid it is useless.

IMHO, leemny wants only to add some gas on the fire on China-Japan issues. Why doesn’t posts ANYTHING reffering to Chinese factions in WW2 (OOB, operations, equipment, etc)? I have the feeling that this Chinese guy is not interested in history.

Reffering to his post http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=32242#32242 I posted a reply to IronFist stating that 7.62mm X 51mm cartridge was adopted in the 50s.
After that I received a PM from MoS:

Reference your post herehttp://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=32253#32253

I was leading him on somewhat. He has been setting himself up as an expert rather in the manner of ironman, although clearly not as bad. I was looking forward to making him crash and burn

In the light of this you may wish to consider deleting that post, although it’s really up to you particularly if you feel that I’m being unfair to him.

I was rather looking forward to seeing him flounder when asked to name a machine-gun chambering that cartridge during the Second World War. Perhaps I’m cruel?

I decided therefore to delete my post and also I asked MoS “not to hurt IronFist too much”.

I am afraid that MoS had an overwhelming experience with IRONMAN and he first shoot then ask from that time! Anyway I watch closely this situation.

Edited: I post a PM for making clear what happened with my deleted post and my “lack of reaction”. Also I received in the same time a PM from Cuts:

Doh !
I think MoS was trying to draw the gentleman out to see what went wrong in his head !
:lol:[/quote] I didn’t reply.

Thanks for confirming that Dani. Strange bunch they are eh!

For sure. Should we also post pictures from Auschwitz, Dachau or Matthausen? I’m afraid it is useless.

IMHO, leemny wants only to add some gas on the fire on China-Japan issues. Why doesn’t posts ANYTHING reffering to Chinese factions in WW2 (OOB, operations, equipment, etc)? I have the feeling that this Chinese guy is not interested in history.[/quote]

Well I wouldnt say they dont add anything. Was a major and horrible part of the war. But anything like leemy posted by anyone just edit them and make them links and put a warning at the top. Im sure someone could post some bad pics of WW2 battles but could still be to graphic. Just use your best judgement.

On reflection Danni, I dont think you should have deleted that post. It undermines your position to them. They will think you are a target now for future incidents.

Cuts just fired off about this on that thread. I think the photos should stay but in links.

But you are right, we just have to watch out for them in future, if this is an adult site we should be able to see these types of pictures, but I would prefer that they were used to illustrate a point rather than just pasted up there.

Don’t be so sure Firefly :lol: :lol:

Remember that also I asked the “neo-nazi” guy (forgot his name for the moment :oops: ) how old is he! (And I’m afraid that I posted in quite the same manner that MoS does with IronFist) Finally he reply that he is 16 or so and he quits for the moment to make a neo-nazi apology.

Speaking of MoS’s attitude vs IronFist, at the slightest sign of disrespect I will ask him to stop. If he’ll continue I 'll give him an informal warning.

You know what is really interesting?

ww2admin posted only ONE picture of such kind:
http://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/germans?page=14 first from above left (picture 118).

Should we post pictures of Japanese people harmed by effects of nuclear explosions on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Should we post pictures of bodies lying on Dresden?

Should we post pictures with atrocities in Warsaw made by Dirlewanger and his bunch of assasins?

Should we post pictures with mutilated bodies of Soviet partisans?

Should we post pictures with Polish bodies found in Katyn (massacre done by Soviets)?

Should we post pictures of POW held by Japanese?

All of us (and I refer to those who could read this) could find on the Internet dozens of explicit pictures ww2 related. I rather prefer to understand WW2 facts than to be emotionally involved looking at such kind of picture. Imagine a WW2 encyclopedia full of explicit pictures from any side! You will like to re-read?

We all know about WW2 how it was (with all atrocities, massacres and so on). Some of us fought (in other wars or incidents) ad so on. My question is: We want to know more about WW2 or we’ll allow this forum to transform in some similar to www.ogrish.com ?

Dani, I agree, we should not be like Orgish. But we should be all encompassing. I dont have a problem with graphic photos. But. they should be there to prove a point and not just posted because they are graphic.

What Im saying is that if I were to post a graphic photo, I would have to back it up with the reason Im doing it.

An example would be,

The nazis shot a lot of civilians, heres a phot to prove it…

Or the japanese etc…

What do you think?

Yes I agree Danni, I too have been guilty of these kinds of posts and now I am a Mod I realise how much more dificult it all is.

Sorry for that, but I believe Mods should be firm and present a united front and should be seen to be fair to everyone.

A more interesting page (historically speaking) is http://kjapan.sdedu.net/yi/yi-index.htm (use “translate page” from Google)

As for leemny’s reasons… :roll: :roll:
I bet he is 14-17 years old and he is very proud of his Communist heritage (note that he wrote P.R.C. on location = People’s Republic of China) He’ll remain with those 3 posts (or maybe more, if I’ll be rude harrasing him with questions on what means taikonaut to China, 50 years after US and SU :smiley: - but I won’t be such an asshole).

I have nothing with leemny or with Communists. I don’t defend Japaneese atrocities (or any other). I want to pointed out my point of view. That’s all.

By the way, I agree with posting pictures (as links) as a support for some affirmations.

That’s why we have this room, to agree on our moderation policy!
Cheers Firefly! :smiley:

well, maybe we can set up a rule saying if you are posting violent graphic picture, you should have use link instead of posting the picture directly. Also, a clear warning must be posted in the message?
but would that be hard to enforce?

and imo, mr mao (one of the first leader in PRC) is worse than hitler himself

-Hitler make germany a better place in terms of economy before the war, which mr mao could never achieve

-Hitler push his citizens to war, but so does mr mao in korean war.

-Hitler praise its own kind while mr mao killed its own kind

-Hitler uses his intelliegence citizens in war, while mr mao discourage education

Yeah, if Hitler hadn’t gotten into deep shit with the British, Canadians and Americans, he could have ruled a very strong Germanic Empire.

well, maybe we can set up a rule saying if you are posting violent graphic picture, you should have use link instead of posting the picture directly. Also, a clear warning must be posted in the message?
but would that be hard to enforce?


Not if we can make an example out of the material already posted.

sure i have some example coming


take a look at the picture, its talking about how the chinese (not in hk) killed cats and dogs for food.
-First they would beat up the cat to faint.

-they have something sharp to put in side the throat of a cat.

-Then the blood would come out

-they would pull all of its fur, and flame it with fire, the stomach would begin to expand, and all its shit would start to get out of its body

-then the skin would be crispy while the meat inside would be fresh and juicy. i never try one before and i have no plan of trying it in the future.

Or they use cat to make soup, some said cat meat is simuliar to chicken, only better

well, the chinese would have more ugly style of eating food

like eating a fish that is still a alive, that means to fry in one side while the other side is being eaten by human

open a monkey head, and eat its brain while the monkey is still alive

have ducks walk on very hot plate, then blood would stay more on its feet (i forget the reason), but that would make the duck’s leg more fresh and juicy

and btw, this is dried dog, very gross

:shock: FW you touch my dog and ill fucking kill you!

:lol: :lol: :lol: