absolutely no topic at all

Japan,cannot have for exemple aircraft carrier and other mecanisms that are consider ofensive.Like germany,theres a little afraid of the rearmament because of WW2,there are something that the world cannot forget.And for example the extreme-right parties are growing in Europe,and that brings the image of WW2,because they had always associate to neo-nazis in some how.But i think Japan is diferent and they can have a more better army.

You sure got something stuck up your ass huh… wow. I don’t call that army dude… it’s more like a 200 man clan. There’s still thousand of US soldier protesting Japan. If I had a army that couldn’t be ofensive, whats the hell is the point of having one:).

I have no idead what got you so made, but you didn’t have to post if you were a jackass you know. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Edit your post fareast!! Also I warn you to stop insulting people!

The bastards STILL have not apologised properly for their conduct in WWII mainly their treatment of Prisoners of War, foreign internees and people of occupied countries. Specifically I can think of obvious war-crimes such as the rape and murder of Commonwealth nurses in Hong Kong and other places, the “death marches” of POWs and the rape of Nanking.
Many of these things they refuse to even awknowledge let alone show proper contrition for unlike the Germans.

Therefore, until both the Emperor and the Prime Minister of Japan openly and officially admit these crimes AND apologise for them Japan should have no permanent seat on the UN Security Council and should not be allowed to deploy in any sort of offensive action.

Will the white man came, killed native american, and took over. So why can’t other pople do that? You guys call yourself a proud race, bah whatever man. The white man is a evil breed from hell which will take over the world. They are evil in a smart way. They make the world trust them, after that they kill everyone. bah bah goes on

You sure got something stuck up your ass huh… wow. I don’t call that army dude… it’s more like a 200 man clan. There’s still thousand of US soldier protesting Japan. If I had a army that couldn’t be ofensive, whats the hell is the point of having one:).

I have no idead what got you so made, but you didn’t have to post if you were a jackass you know. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:[/quote]

3rd post in and already insulting. This is a good start to your time here isnt it. If you know so much about the Japanese military, why ask the question:

Here is a little site to start your search:


Why not make your next post an observation on the Japanese military and its size and capability. I think you will be surprised.

246,000 with 156,000 ground troops (Army) is pretty respectable for a professional force self-defence or not. They have reasonably good kit as well.

hahaha UN?don’t know what the Japs are thinking join with the UN. I’ll die before I become someones bit(h.

You sure got something stuck up your ass huh… wow. I don’t call that army dude… it’s more like a 200 man clan. There’s still thousand of US soldier protesting Japan. If I had a army that couldn’t be ofensive, whats the hell is the point of having one:).

I have no idead what got you so made, but you didn’t have to post if you were a jackass you know. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:[/quote]

I rather think that MoS point was that your basic premise was rubbish.
The Japanese Defence Forces number around 250000, with Japan the 5th largest military spender on the planet.
As for an army being offensive only, who exactly do you want to attack?

I warned fareast and I moved this crap here.

You sure got something stuck up your ass huh… wow. I don’t call that army dude… it’s more like a 200 man clan. There’s still thousand of US soldier protesting Japan. If I had a army that couldn’t be ofensive, whats the hell is the point of having one:).

I have no idead what got you so made, but you didn’t have to post if you were a jackass you know. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:[/quote]

I rather think that MoS point was that your basic premise was rubbish.
The Japanese Defence Forces number around 250000, with Japan the 5th largest military spender on the planet.
As for an army being offensive only, who exactly do you want to attack?[/quote]


I think someone is going for a ban inside their 1st ten posts. Japan is already a member of the UN and you my friend are a Trolling Dullard of the first magnitude.

FYG, Japan is actually a member state of the UN and has been since 18 Dec 56.
What Bladensburg wrote was Japan should have no permanent seat on the UN Security Council. A different matter.

What do you mean by ‘becoming someone’s bitch’ ?

I think someone is going for a ban inside their 1st ten posts. Japan is already a member of the UN and you my friend are a Trolling Dullard of the first magnitude.[/quote]

Agree Firefly! It seems so. :x :x :x
He gained already his first warning.

how the heck does ironman get so many warnings?

hes the only one getting them several times in a row

What do you mean by that?

By posting like an utter cnut, that’s how.

Actually the site admin were quite lenient on him, hopefully because of his entertainment value.

Who cares, let Japan have their Army, the USA and Japanese kind of have a bond in creating the future of technology, it’s not like Japan is going to attack the USA anyways, they are not stupid like that anymore.

And Far East… Please, do shut up :frowning: Your ideas on the UN and America are blind sited by the radicals wishing to take down the “Man”

If Japan don’t have their own army, who were the little yellow skinned gentlemen I lived with for two weeks in Iraq?

I was aware that they had armed forces but did not know it was so large. When you consider that HM only has 190,000 all up the JSDF is quite big.

Are they not trying to change the constitution so that they can send armed forces as opposed to unarmed force into peaces keeping duties?