
Erwin, would you like to enlarge on your accusations of bribery ?

Or is this another of your alter-egos on a different pc, (or indeed the same pc,) designed to start a tiresome, irrational and unfounded thread on your favourite sunbect ?[/quote]
Alter Egos?,Irish duck is too different and he has the greatest knowledge about the malvinas war,Arkantos has a basic english,i have a bit more advanced and he uses jajaja instead of the hahaha of english (the hahaha sounds gay however).
and he is not argentina,talk to him and you will see that im not him.

i already have done a lot of acussations in the mods room,they have not done nothing,im not going to do them again,the mods and admins can read,you not,sorry.[/quote]

I am amiss here, are you saying that you get to post in the MOD rooms, but are not a MOD, how can this be?

Firefly,assho*e,i am combat photographer!,and i don’t have anymore the admin’s room right,im claim it!,but when i had,i posted the reasons.

Hmm, are you saying Ive bribed some here? How would I do that?[/quote]

Which liberated are you talking about? The people of the Falklands or somewhere else?

Personally I’m not anti-Argentinian, Erwin just annoys me when toddler Erwin comes out to play. Grown up Erwin (who occaisonally comes out) is capable of holding a reasonable discussion.[/quote]
im capable to have discussion with hundreds of people at thesame

he is talking about the democracy,not the islanders when he says liberated.

What democracy Erwin, what exactly is he talking about? How do you know what he is talking about?

What democracy Erwin, what exactly is he talking about? How do you know what he is talking about?[/quote]

look dear boy:

‘democracy’ at the end of a gun barrel is some conclusion.

I’m sure the ‘liberated’ feel good about that.

any relation?,words democracy and liberated there,that’s a tip for you.

Wow! This did balloon! What I meant turned out to be what has transpired here. Anti- Argentina or is it just anti-Erwin because he beleives in Nationalism as in his Agentina? Why in the world was that thread ‘locked’?? Someone (most likely more) had their feathers ruffled. Boo-Hoo. And from what I have read from the above sounds like ‘one way,my way’’. Majority rule.
1000ydstare’s comment about the army and American ‘Democratic’ ideals and the logical conclusion is what I refered to about forcing,at the end of a gun barrel, 'democracy on those that perhaps don’t want it. As Ben Franklin said,You have a “Republic” if you can keep it. We are not a democracy. So far? :shock:

well mate,it seems that you have read all and took a thinking without being “bribed”.

thank you folk!

He doesn’t say what liberation he is talking about though, does he Erwin? That was what I asked. Read the question properly before you get uppity and post - there’s a tip for you.

No one has bribed anyone. Do you think we have nothing better to do with our money than bribe people we’ve never met before on the internet to have the same opinion as us about a war from 25 years ago?

He doesn’t say what liberation he is talking about though, does he Erwin? That was what I asked. Read the question properly before you get uppity and post - there’s a tip for you.[/quote]

ASK HIM,IM NOT HIS MUM,blitz,mate,can you reply this walt please?,thank you.

Nobody (as far as I am aware) is ‘anti-Argentinian’. Strictly, they’re not ‘anti-Erwin’ either, he just gets people’s backs up with his pointless arguing about the Falklands War, racist statements about the Gurkhas, statements about how much he’d love to kill Brits and so forth.

The threads about Falklands etc all end up getting locked because certain people drag them down into pointless arguing and insults.

But i also get attacks,and yes,you are,you are one of them,what would you say?,of course you would deffend you.

What’s a walt Erwin? Why would I be one?

If you don’t know what he was talking about, why argue about it? Why not keep quiet and let him answer?

Last reply Erwin, because this is clearly going the same was as every other thread you get involved in.

I’m not sure what I am supposed to be one of and I’ve never seen anyone start the attacks on you before a provoking post has already been posted. I don’t think I need to defend myself against anything, I’ve done nothing wrong as far as I’m concerned, if I have my posts would have been deleted by one of the Mods by now, but none of them have been, other than ones in the threads that have been deleted completely.


An individual who believes, or wishes others to believe, that he or she is something they are not.

that’s a walt,and you know that,and you believe that you have owned the truth and im a liar.WALT.

Bored of this Erwin. Stop spoiling threads.

Edit: Thread unlocked after a cooling-off period, in the hope it can continue as a reasoned debate.

I’d say it’s anti-Erwin. There have been some reasonable discussions on the Falklands with Eagle, whose Argentinian nationality and beliefs don’t infest every thread he posts in. Erwin suffers from blind hatred of the Falkland Islanders, culminating in him expressing a desire on more than one occasion to have them exterminated. If someone was calling openly for the genocide of your countrymen, would you be inclined to think of them in a positive manner. He has also threatened violence and computer based attacks based on those who criticise his version of christianity.

So far, I can think of four members of this forum that I know to be Argentine. Erwin, Eagle, Arkantos and IrishDuck. Of these, Eagle tends to make the fewest and least inflammatory posts. Erwin varies strongly between useful posting and trolling openly with respect to the Falkland Islanders. If you think he isn’t trolling by calling for the extermination of the current inhabitants of the Falklands, then you must think he actually means it. Arkantos and IrishDuck were both banned for repeatedly posting stupid lies on a variety of subjects related to the Falklands War and events associated with it.

No one on this forum has a problem with Argentine users per se. It is the case, however, that the majority of Argentine users of this forum (3/4) have been openly trolling or worse. I believe the fault lies with the users themselves, rather than their nationality.
I hope this answers your question.

Wrong,they have been banned along time ago,only 2 are still here.

Flash,Bluffcove,The other brits who posted a beaver or something like that with a pancake,those must be banned too!,and ale too!.