
Read what I said, not what you wanted me to say, otherwise you just sound like IRONMAN.

A beaver with a pancake? Yes, I agree that’s far worse than demanding the extermination of a group of people because of where they live.

A beaver with a pankcake?

Why would they be banned for that? Beavers might like pancakes and may enjoy being photographed enjoying a pancake.

Do beavers take their pancakes with lemon and sugar or with jam and cream? Anyone know?

Read what I said, not what you wanted me to say, otherwise you just sound like IRONMAN.[/quote]

not lies,those topics are in classified by your government,your government signed that its a secret.

lies?,they weren’t,then you have to ban yourself.

NO NO, i said the guy who posted a beaver or something like that with a pancake because he did insulting posts,the pancake is to recognize him,coz i don’t remember his username.

A beaver with a pankcake?

Why would they be banned for that? Beavers might like pancakes and may enjoy being photographed enjoying a pancake.

Do beavers take their pancakes with lemon and sugar or with jam and cream? Anyone know?[/quote]

You are a liar!,they prefer to be photographed with an ice cream on their head!,and the beavers don’t like both jam and cream,im sure they would prefer it separated!

You recognise him with a pancake? Does he look like a pancake?

What’s wrong with pictures of beavers?

I have no idea what this thread is about!!!

Apparently my signature block came up in it somewhere though.

What Crab says is true. There is no anti argie sentiments in the same way there is no anti american sentiments. Just users from a particualr country ie Ironman, Irish Duck and Arkantos in particular really get peoples back up.

Eagle comes from argentina, and I have purposly avoided the Falklands with him, because he is a good member of the site. Erwin can also be a good member, but has a tendency to fly off the handle sometiems on his own and sometimes when you push the right buttons.

Any way, on the subject of IRONMAN, isn’t he due to come to a computer screen near you in the next few days?

It’s a well known fact that beavers don’t like ice cream because they have sensitive teeth and ice cream gives them a headache.

I need proof about the jam and cream thing I’m afraid.

IRONMAN is permanently gone. He’s probably found another forum to troll.

You recognise him with a pancake? Does he look like a pancake?

What’s wrong with pictures of beavers?


look,he has a pancake

the beaver has a pancake in his head.

It’s a well known fact that beavers don’t like ice cream because they have sensitive teeth and ice cream gives them a headache.

I need proof about the jam and cream thing I’m afraid.[/quote]
but after working,the beaver has his head hurting,we all know that putting an ice in your head after pain is better for removing the pain,and the ice cream is cold like an ice,that’s the fact.

no!,he is a republican :wink:

Beavers are lactose intolerant, putting ice cream on their head would bring them out in large blisters which would be painful and would result in them needing treatment with anti-histamines.



Beavers are lactose intolerant, putting ice cream on their head would bring them out in large blisters which would be painful and would result in them needing treatment with anti-histamines.


Hey,i claim you to give an important source that supports your post,do they are lactose intolerant?,and what about a water ice cream?
like this:

Also,even an ant can resist both the coldness and the lactose of my ice cream (it’s a true fact,i left my icecream because i did not want more and i found it full of ants,they were on the icecream instead of going inside,however,they resisted and started eating the ice cream,i did not recognize that,but what the hell must do an ant if it is on a food?).

Have you got any beaver BDL?

Have you got any beaver BDL?

No, but i bet he’d like some! :lol:

apologies for post, am drunk at present, correcion very drunk!

Bet you’re no where near as drunk as my wife, hence no beaver for me tonight. :roll:

I do have a badger and several stoats though.

no beaver for me tonight.

ohhh :oops: :lol:

BDL wrote

I do have a badger and several stoats though

One of them isn’t ManofStoat I hope!!!


Bet you’re no where near as drunk as my wife, hence no beaver for me tonight. :roll:

I do have a badger and several stoats though.[/quote]

I don’t know how drunk your wife was, but my girlfriend wasn’t impressed, oh well guess no cuddles for a week :cry:

And as for badgers don’t get me started on those sods, got attacked by one on exercise on Salisbury plain once, not very funny! :shock: