Afghanistan veterans in here?

Today, February 28th 2011, an Italian Army “Lince” armoured vehicle has blown up on IED, few miles north of Shindad (Afghanistan), while returning from an operation of medical attendance to local people. The five soldiers are part of the 5° Alpini Regiment. Four of them have been seriously wounded, while the commander of the squad, Liutenent Massimo Ranzani, died. May he rest in peace. A tought to his family.

Tenente Massimo Ranzani.jpg

Hi CED381, were you permanently based in KAF ?

It would be nice if you based yourself permanently in this forum, at least for a while.

Your perspective on many things has been missed.

Me ?

Huhuh… I see…

Sorry, been overseas again.

So CED381, were you permanently based in KAF ?

Yes. I was in BAT3.

Back again, been as bit busy.

CED381, the photo you posted earlier entitled Taliban remains, who told you the remains were Terry’s ?

It surprises me as they are normally very assiduous in interring their fallen.

Armour-piercing tracer in this case.

The ratio varies slightly with different counties and different ammunition types within the calibre.
Quite often it’s 4BIT but we were issued with 50 cal 1:1 SLAP:SLAPT

Link with four ball to one tracer rd is commonly called ‘four bit,’ from the designation on ammo tins, 4B1T

What was the AP for? Vehicle interdiction?

A.P. was pretty much for anything, anti-aircraft, anti-materiel,and anti-whatever managed to get in the way. Prior to the fancy types of .50 ammo in use today, there were only 2 available to us, API, and APIT (1970’s Nato) Ball ammo was available only for the .30 cal in which we used 3 ball, 1 trace. (If I’m remembering it properly. )

What was the AP for? Vehicle interdiction?[/QUOTE]

This was back in the days of the unpleasantness in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia, (FRY,) and although the different factions had started with a variety of armour by the time we were on a more agressive stance they’d managed to decorate the country by turning most of them into huge tin plant pots.
While the SLAP/SLAPT* was developed to breach armour it was useful when a so called ‘sniper’ (ie. some nutter with an AK rather than a trained sldr,) fired a few rds from a window & then took cover behind the surrounding wall. These rds perforated the wall and ruined the gentleman’s day.

  • For those unaware: SLAP = Saboted Light Armour Penetrator (T = Tracer)
    The word ‘sabot’ comes from the French and is an overshoe.
    In military terms it is one of a number of types of device used to permit the firing of sub-calibre projectiles from a weapon.
    Most common is probably the aluminium three piece spindle sabot used in APFSDS (Armour Piercing, Fin-Stabilised, Discarding Sabot) rds.
    The .50 SLAP uses a synthetic material in the form of an expanding cup or base sabot to fire a 7.7mm tungsten penetrator, and it went through armoured concrete like prune juice through a very small grandmother.
    Oh, and they’re very sharp projectiles, many arms bore witness to this.

Ooops! Cuts, I meant to thank you for the last post not give a negative rep! Sorry. this stupid software won’t let me correct it.

No wuckers, besides I don’t see it as negative anyway. :slight_smile:

Too much coffee in the morning…

Don’t let this happen to you… :wink:


Neither coffee nor Redbull, though on the last tour there was a youngster that was heavily into Baumgartner’s sponsor and necked at least two pints a day !

His eyes were banging off the walls.

[b]T?i sao dÃ*n ông hay ngo?i tình?

[/b]Tham tu - DÃn ông có n?ng d? testosterone cao hon ph? n?. ChÃnh lo?i hormone nÃy lÃm cho h? tr? nên d?n di hon, thu?ng gian l?n trong chuy?n tình c?m vÃ* d? m?c sai l?m hon.

Dó lÃ* k?t lu?n nghiên c?u khoa h?c v?a dang trên trang Inspinyr. Các nhÃ* nghiên c?u nói r?ng phát hi?n nÃy không nh?m m?c dÃch bÃo ch?a cho nh?ng hÃnh vi l?a d?i c?a dÃn ông trong chuy?n tình c?m, mà cung c?p m?t co s? khoa h?c cho th?y ngu?i dÃ*n ông khó ki?m soát b?n thân mình hon ph? n?.

T? trong gene, dÃ*n ông có nhi?u testosterone hon

Ngay t? khi hình thÃnh trong bÃo thai, con trai có n?ng d? testosterone cao hon con gái. thám t? tu ChÃnh lo?i hormone lÃm cho cánh mÃy râu tr? nên d?n di hon, d? gian l?n, n?i nóng và hay th?c hi?n nh?ng hÃnh vi b?o l?c hon. Phát hi?n nÃy m?t l?n n?a cung c?p co s? khoa h?c cho th?y ngu?i dÃ*n ông khó ki?m soát b?n thân mình hon ph? n?.

Tuy nhiên không ph?i vì th? mÃ* d? l?i hoÃn toÃn nh?ng hÃnh vi d?i b?i c?a dÃn ông lÃ* testosterone. B?i v? co b?n testosterone không h? xúi gi?c dÃn ông r?ng "Hãy ng? v?i cô gái tóc vÃng d? thuong nÃy di". Thay vÃo dó, hormone nÃy ch? ho?t d?ng nhu m?t lo?i nhiên li?u, vÃn ông v?n là ngu?i di?u khi?n nó. V?n d? c?t lõi c?a s? chung tình v?n ph? thu?c vÃo kh? nang ki?m ch? b?n thân h? mà thôi.

?nh minh h?a: Sling.

Testosterone khi?n dÃ*n ông có nhu c?u tình d?c cao

Nhi?u ngu?i dÃn ông có xu hu?ng ngo?i tình khi h? không th?a mãn trong quan h? v?i v? mình. Anh ta có th? gi?i thÃch r?ng do cu?c s?ng quá cô don, bu?n t?, song suy cho cùng y?u t? khi?n chÃng ta “di hoang” v?n là nhu c?u tình d?c cao. Vì th? vi?c duy trì d?i s?ng tình d?c lÃnh m?nh, t?t d?p là m?t ph?n không th? thi?u c?a b?t k? c?p v? ch?ng nÃo, d? tránh vi?c dÃn ông ngó nghiêng sang ngu?i ph? n? khác. Hon n?a d? gi? h?nh phúc gia dình, l?i khuyên cho các ông ch?ng lÃ* ph?i bi?t t? ch?, d?ng vin vÃo cái c? ph?i xa v? vÃi ngÃy ho?c vÃi tu?n d? ngo?i tình. LÃm nhu th? là dang d?i l?a d?i ngu?i ph? n? mình yêu thuong d?y.

NgoÃi ra, còn m?t s? lý do khác khi?n dÃn ông ngo?i tình nhu:

- Vì mu?n d? cao cái tôi

n ông thÃch c?m giác m?nh vÃ* ki?m soát m?i th?. H? c?m th?y mình quy?n l?c khi trong tay có nhi?u b?n tình. Da s? dÃn ông thÃch c?m giác chinh ph?c vÃ* thÃnh công và luôn hu?ng v? phÃ*a nh?ng ngu?i ph? n? khi?n h? t? tin hon.

M?t kh?o sát cho th?y kho?ng 40% dÃn ông ngo?i tình ? noi lÃm vi?c. B?n ch?t d? cao cái tôi c?a ngu?i dÃn ông khi?n h? có th? roi vÃo m?t m?i quan h? qua du?ng vô ý v?i ngu?i ph? n? khác ngoÃi v? mình. Vì mu?n du?c n?m c?m giác “th?ng tr?” nên nh?ng ngu?i dÃn ông nÃy ngo?i tình ch? d? ch?ng minh cái tôi c?a h? mà thôi. Dây có th? xem lÃ* s? t? tr?n an mÃ* cánh mÃy râu t? t?o ra d? huy?n ho?c chÃnh mình.

- Vì mu?n tr? thù

M?c dù dã có v? nhung anh ta luôn ám ?nh chuy?n quá kh? ngu?i b?n d?i dã ngo?i tình ho?c l?a d?i mình. Vì th? anh ta tr? thù v? b?ng vi?c lÃm t?i l?i tuong t? là ngo?i tình. Thông thu?ng dÃn ông không có thói quen chia s? c?m xúc v?i ngu?i khác nên h? thu?ng chôn gi?u trong lòng d? r?i d?n v?t mình. Do dó l?i khuyên cho các ông ch?ng có di?u khó nói là nên chia s? v?i v? hay b?n gái d? gi?i t?a. ChÃnh khi chia s? trên tinh th?n xây d?ng, c? hai s? hi?u nhau và cùng tìm ra m?t hu?ng di t?t d?p hon.

- Ngo?i tình khi không còn tin vÃ* yêu v? dich vu tham tu

Dây lÃ* nguyên nhân khá ph? bi?n trong nh?ng tru?ng h?p không chung tình c?a dÃn ông. Tình yêu chÃnh lÃ* ch?t keo d? gi? c? hai ? l?i v?i nhau, không có tình yêu thì m?i quan h? dó có th? gây h?i cho c? hai. S? tôn tr?ng, lòng trung thÃnh, trung th?c s? di v?i tình yêu, nhung nó s? bi?n m?t khi ni?m tin b? phá v?. Và n?u tình yêu không hi?n di?n ho?c không còn n?a, thì ngu?i dÃn ông có nhi?u kh? nang s? l?a d?i b?n gái ho?c v? mình mà không h? h?i h?n.

Thám T? Nam Vi?t