All Herman2 Discussion Here


We are supermods. Mods on many boards have limitations to modding one forum, cannot have access to the “blue room”, etc.

Rising Sun* has reported a post.


Herman thinks he is:

  1. Normal
  2. Educated

and he wants Panzerknacker back!

The little ***** is disputing in various threads the holiday I gave him, which shows he’s learned nothing, but I can’t be bothered feeding his persecution complex by responding.

It’s a pity Panzerknacker isn’t a mod, because he’d have permabanned herman in the blink of an eye for continuing to dispute a mod decision.

I think somebody (somebodies) else commented in another mod thread on herman that he has a persecution complex, albeit perhaps not using that term, and that he’s an attention seeker. I think his latest posts demonstrate that amply.

He’s also a snide little ***** but, as another mod said, we all know how this is going to end so I’ll choose to ignore the many baits he’s throwing out at present to avoid confirming his paranoid assertions that I ‘framed’ him and have it in for him.

Maybe I should clarify it by sending him a PM and letting him know it’s nothing personal. I just think he’s a hole in search of an arse.

Post: Things that piss me off!
Forum: Off Topic
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: herman2
Original Content:

This thread is not war related so as the title goes… Things that piss me off…I am so pissed that normal educated people like me don’t have an opportunity to post things (with links) about our thoughts on subjects without being castrated. The fact remains that there are HUNDREDS of unregistered users who frequent this Great forum, and perhaps they don’t become members because they read what and how people are chastised or Banned over issues that don’t warrant it. There were 143 Guests as of 8:29 p.m (Normal Time (NOT Australian time). The world is BIG so we must be open minded. If Chevan were back we would hear his side and we should respect his side. Just because were from America or Australia or wherever, we should not assume that all other members from non American countries should agree on what is posted. We value dissension and learn and grow from this. I have read in previous threads that the old members who meant something from their value of substance are missed, well I just wish they would come back too… I miss the old gang…especially Panzerknacker!!..this guy had balls!!..

If framed he was, it was by his own hand, not yours. I read his many posts from the Cross since his 48 hrs penance lapsed, and it does sound like he is trying to bait you. I did find his obsession with parsing the time of his vacation to be both humorous, and a bit disturbing. He also postulated that the Mods were able to look through personal messages, as though we were some dictatorial secret police. If Mods can search PM’s its news to me. Keep up the pressure, as I agree with your idea for trying to lead him to proper behavior. If that has proven to be unfeasible, then do what you feel best. I don’t mind him acting like the Court Jester, but he has gone beyond that, and by more than a little. I did post a small rebuke in the If the South won the Civil War thread, so we’ll see what he does with that.
I did some looking, and his I.P. is owned by the City of Toronto, as is the building address. I wonder if he is the very colorful Mayor of Toronto. :wink:

Going through peoples’ PM’s is a pretty controversial hack actually, but it can be done by webmasters (on some boards), of which we are not. I personally don’t approve of going all NSA.

Nor do I, but Herman seems to think we do. He saw a mod on the who’s online, and whoever it was must have been accessing his own PM’s, so Herman thought it was for purposes of skulking through members stuff. Not sure what if any motive for that is, aside from his feeling persecuted. Here is the post where he mentions our NSA like espionage capabilities. (Item No. 5 )

That would explain herman’s drug and or alcohol fuelled psychosis, but that mayor is way too big for an average guy like me to tackle.

I hope herman is just a lowly, and lightweight, clerk.

By his profile, he is a Janitorial person. I believe “Sanitation Engineer” is his term for it. He also describes a penchant for Beer, so maybe he’s been at the Moosehead a bit too much lately.

I have more than a penchant for beer (consumed about half a slab to this point tonight). At times it causes a problem for the whole sanitation system in my suburb, usually after I’ve gorged on Mexican or Indian food with lots of spices. Asian food generally doesn’t burden my, or the sanitation, system.

I thought you’d all like to know that. :wink:

Given my stout opposition to diminishing people on the basis of race etc, I wouldn’t diminish herman because he’s a janitor (believe it or not, it’s a term and, I think, job unknown down here. There was a bloke in, I think, Western Australia who retired after a long life of unqualified work as a truck driver or labourer etc and who went to the local museum or some such upon retirement to see if he could do something. He turned up some major research on military history.) I’d just dismiss herman on the basis of being stupid, but that also offends my stout determination for equal treatment for all.

So I’ll just regard herman as someone who needs help, which help is way beyond the resources of this forum.

While I don’t drink Beer, or Whisky, and have not for a very long time, I do enjoy all of the foods you mentioned, my personal favorite is Thai followed closely by Southern Catfish. As to Herman, I feel much as you do, in that he may be unable to comport himself according to the rules as much as is desired. While that sentiment will not preclude summary judgement should it prove to be required, I do give him some latitude, as well as an occasional poke with a pointy stick to help keep him focused.
After seeing his latest post, he may, for awhile at least, keep it between the ditches. And that calls for a toast…


I don’t have a favourite cuisine, more a case of favourite dishes from various cuisines, but overall Thai is the best of the Asian cuisines. Chinese, which many moons ago was my favourite, tends to be too greasy and heavy compared with Thai; Japanese is a bit like Mexican in having a few flavours which appear in a wide range of dishes; and the same for Indian. Thai also has a few basic flavours which cover many dishes, but along with Malaysian which is closely related, I find the dishes generally lighter / not greasy and more flavoursome. A good curry laksa, tom yum, roti chani / curry, mussaman curry, or rendang beef, or some curry puffs and satay skewers for an entree is hard to beat. Then again, a good Indian meat samosa and lamb rogan josh is a fair competitor to a curry puff and rendang beef. But, from the other end of the planet, so is lamb cooked Greek style on a spit over charcoal with lovely crunchy but juicy bits from the outside of the spit all on their own, or rolled into warmed pita bread with tzatziki, lettuce, tomato and sprinkled with lemon juice. I’m not having any of that tonight. I’m down at our beach shack trying char siu pork ribs in a different way: slow cook for a few hours in a casserole to get tender meat and bring the flavour out of the bone (that’s my theory, anyway) and then remove ribs from casserole put on a rack into a very hot oven (been raining all day, so no BBQ) to crisp the outside. Want me to let you know how it turns out?

Feeling hungry now? ;):smiley:

I called him on it last night in his Understanding Rules thread by advising how to appeal against my decision if he wishes. It’s that long since any of this has been an issue that I realised later that I forgot to mention that he could also have reported my post(s) with the report button. I’ll do that now, as my approach in this issue is that he should piss or get off the pot.

Contrary to his inflated belief that I bear him some personal animosity determined to ban him for non-existent offences, I’m inclined to view him more like a stupid but destructive puppy which needs firm correction to stop it becoming an undisciplined dog.

And that simile just dredged up from my brain the memory of a quite good book written by an Australian army dog handler who served with his dog in Vietnam. During his training he was given a dog called Damien (from Omen films) because it was a devil dog. His instructor assured him that there was no such thing as a dog that couldn’t be trained. After the dog did various things, including escaping from its kennel and shagging an officer’s pedigreed dog, the instructor took Damien for a ride into the bush and shot him in the head. I hope we won’t have to do that with herman, because he’s about half of the board traffic at the moment.

Any impression over the past couple of nights from my numerous posts that I have a lot of time on my hands because the rain is stopping me doing any work on the beach shack, and that I’ve awarded myself a holiday with ample beer in the fridge, is correct.


Way to go.

Tender meat falls off clean bones, unlike stringy meat left on bones from straight BBQ.

Electric oven isn’t good for finishing this meat, but I reckon about 15 to 20 minutes in a Weber or similar charcoal kettle after long slow cooking as a casserole should make this about right. Also a bit of honey glaze with some sesame oil and five spice powder over the ribs before the final kettle / oven cooking would help, as the casserole is essentially a boil / simmer process which, contrary to expectations, doesn’t infuse the meat with the flavour one might expect.

I don’t think they actually drink that awful piss up there. That’ stuff is purely for export IIRC…

It must have been Elsinore then, Bob & Doug told me about it… :mrgreen:


In view of his last couple of ‘digging the hole deeper’ posts,
#84 / #85 at
#6 / #7 at
I think we should inaugurate the “Herman award for F***wits shooting themselves in the head posts” or something along those lines.

Anyone else want to suggest a suitable award title?

One of the only two lasting pieces of wisdom my father gave me was “There is no such thing as bad beer.” (The other was “Don’t drive, fight, or f**k on a full bladder.”)

My father apparently had never tasted a particularly disgusting brand of South Australian beer which most of us had trouble drinking during the worst of the beer strikes in the 1970s nor, apparently, the Canadian equivalent.

As with a puppy, I’ve corrected each of his latest missteps in the hope that he’ll learn to heel.

But I am coming to the view that herman really does have some sort of intellectual deficiency, or that, and I’m inclined to doubt it, he is a very clever troll masquerading as a moron.

I also noted that he was getting a bit nobby in this remonstrations here, Good that you took him to task on that. I’m interested to see how he responds. I have seen trolls in other venues who behave (though to a lesser degree) as Herman does, but in this case, it only reinforces my belief that he is organically incapable of what may be called normal social interactions. It could be he reacts strongly to a set of personal stressors, or perhaps he is afflicted with Asbergers syndrome, or Autism.

He’s always been nobby. It seemed like he had a sort of playful personality at one time that maybe made one overlook his faults of just being generally stupid and not knowing when to just drop something and not make a federal case out of it. Now he’s just a tool.

If he hasn’t gotten the idea yet, he probably won’t short of being struck by Lightning. (though even Lightning has it’s limits) An off topic point, you may have seen a new member named test. That was me, just checking to see if the system was accepting people. There didn’t seem to be any now folks signing up after the Pakistani spammer that launched Herman on his rant the other day. I’ve already banned my altar Ego.