All Herman2 Discussion Here

If herman isn’t a troll, he’s in need of serious psychiatric help.

I think he may have an identity problem.

User: herman2
Infraction: Insulted Other Member(s)
Points: 1

Administrative Note:


Message to User:

You need to stop arguing over nothing if you wish to continue to post here. If a 48 hour time out isn’t enough, then maybe a two week one will be? This is your second strike, and you’re very lucky I don’t consider it your third…


Oooh, goody!

Now herman is going to think you’re persecuting him, instead of / as well as just me. :wink: :smiley:

I gave him his final whiff of grapeshot across the bow… :slight_smile:

Well done too. (though next time double shot the Carronade) I read that last night, and was surprised at just how quickly he slid back into his nonsense. Guess he enjoys being on his cross, so its good you took his nails away.

Just keeps getting better, and better. His next departure from the real world should be his last. He can stir his dramas elsewhere.

Maybe the only intention for his return is to go down in flames martyr-like…

If that’s what he wants. Once he returns, it might be better to just send him a PM saying that we’ve decided to pull the plug, and Bon Voyage Herman. No happy Dagger for him.

I merged all the Herman nonsense threads into one uber Herman nonsense thread. :mrgreen:

Definitely called this one!

Such a concentration of Hermanism could result in localized Gravimetric, and Magnetospheric distortions. CERN might lodge a complaint… :wink:

I think my computer had a convulsion when I viewed this thread.

Too much herman input.

I’d give him one last chance.

However, building on your comment, it might be worth posting a public comment that the mods are unanimous that if he puts a foot out of line after having been given far more tolerant treatment than he’d get elsewhere, he will be permabanned without warning.

The reason for a public post is so that the few people who view these boards can see what is happening rather than thinking there has been some secret action against the ****knuckle.

That’ll work, I would prefer he just behave like an adult, perhaps in his case that’s asking too much. He seems more disruptive this time around, bordering on aggressive. I’m in with your idea. (assuming that he comes back after his time out. )

Is everyone ready for the return of Herman? He was lurking around early this morning.

Should we load for bear? :wink: :smiley:

Actually, if the little dipstick could control about 10% of his behaviour which at times makes him a 100% knob, he’d be fine with me.

I think a load dry navy beans will do, that’s what farmers used to use to get an uncooperative Bull’s attention. We’ll see if he’s got the hint this time.

Nah, he’s worth ratshot at best. (In case ratshot means nothing to you, it’s a crimped .22 cartridge with tiny shot in it. I shot myself in the face with it when I about 10 or 12 years old after discovering that rimfires could be discharged by throwing them onto a hard surface, with about a .01% success rate. Just lucky, I guess.)

Played with rat shot when I was a boy as well. it was a fun way to pop balloons on the back fence without (too much )damage to the fence. Though we did find ourselves painting that fence pretty often. Then there was throwing them into the burning barrel, that was fun too.

Reason we had ratshot was my old man used to shoot male dogs that came into our suburban back yard when our red setter bitch was on heat. Highly impressive! They’d go yelping up the street, yelps fading, never to be seen again. Until they came slinking back about 5 to 10 minutes later, to be shot again. The power of poontang!

No burning barrels here any more. The old back yard incinerator was banned years ago, along with the autumn tradition in leafy suburbs of heaping dead leaves in the gutter and burning them. Smokeless autumn ain’t what it was.

Along with banning fireworks and everything else that was fun in my childhood, and that my kids can’t believe was allowed, like the helicopter that used to land in a local park on weekends and take people up for a modest cost, and chooks in back yards for eggs and meat, and riding on packed trams and trains with open doors, and cars with barely efficient headlights (high beam less than my current low beam), drum brakes, worm and sector steering which had about 10% dead play straight ahead, no air con, no heaters, no seatbelts and vacuum wipers etc etc etc

I doubled up on the warning RS* gave Herman, Just to let him know where he stands considering his latest set of posts. I didn’t give any time outs, but if any of you feel it a good idea, that’s fine by me. He has had more than enough warnings to correct his behavior or leave, its time we made a decision about what our next step will be. I like the suggestion RS* made about a public post from the Staff :
(“I’d give him one last chance.
However, building on your comment, it might be worth posting a public comment that the mods are unanimous that if he puts a foot out of line after having been given far more tolerant treatment than he’d get elsewhere, he will be permabanned without warning.
The reason for a public post is so that the few people who view these boards can see what is happening rather than thinking there has been some secret action against the ****knuckle.” )

Perhaps for now, he will behave a bit, but I do believe its time to post the statement so he understands (as best he can) that he has run his rope tight, and has no option but to comply.